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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 07:09:00 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (122 lines)
l am going to apologise  and ask your forgiveness and especially that of
Katim Touray since he is subject to the same filth that Matarr has
continually copied  or directed to a lot of us in this posting. It is not my
nature to forward such filth to the list, but in view of all this unending
nonse regarding the re-instatement of matarr, despite Katim's very thorough
posting last night, l am doing this to show  people what  a lot of us have
been subject to, and what they are  defending.Therefore, l am taking the
responsibility of forwarding an email to the list that Matarr wrote to Saul
Khan and  copied to me TODAY. Yahya, here is a piece of the reasonableness
and human nature you speak of from your friend Matarr Njie.Please tell me
what was insulting about Katim's posting. Here goes:

Saul Khan:

Well, what do you and Katim Touray expect me to do given that you are
labelling me as a psycho, except to FUCK your filthy mother's vagina. Please
do not cry foul, because you initiated the whole game. Katim should
definitely know by now that I do NOT take insults lightly. I hit back and
please do not complain about my choice of words either. Insults are insults!

I find Katim's latest ultimatum a silly and a cheap threat. Hypocritical?
Most certainly.
How does a son of a prostitute like Katim Touray expect reconcilliation and
forgiveness when he continually sees other parties hit below the belt
without intervening? Well, reconcilliation is a two-way street and both
parties to the conflict have to agree to desist from a restarting the
vicious circle. What we have on Gambia-L under the self-appointed managers,
is to tie the hands of one party to the conflict while calling for peace and
reconcilliation. No wonder, the circus is never ending.

You have a nice week ahead.


[log in to unmask] (yeks drame) wrote:

 I think you did a good job, and whats more even, is the level of
 understanding, patient an diplomacy you had demonstrated in this Mattar
 issue. I further credit you for the well documented and material evidence
 you have revealed to us about the activities of Mattar and his (then) opinon
 of the GL.

 However, I also find find it strange for you asking me to apologise to the
 people. For what? What was wrong with trying to hamonise peace within the
 people! I dont think thats offensive, just saying that Mattar needs us as we
 needs him ? thats authentic Katim! its a fact, no man is an island! I
 apologise then if that is the order of the day here! I did not know that its
 offensive to speak your mind here. I know you are embarked on a though job,
 managing a forum like this could be stressing and sometimes irritating, but
 please do read all the postings that were sent in concerning this debate. I
 promise you that, I had all the time extempt myself from any form of emotion
 or offensive play. I have been very nutral on this topic! So, am suprised
 and dissapointed that you are asking me to apologise to the people. Possibly
 I dont get the point right on this list, what is the line for foul play

 Notably, the issue is to reconcile, which if it is material shall only
 promote awareness and peace in our society, that is what is my stance, sir!
 am not trying to disintergrate people instead I want to increase the level
 of understanding and tolarance among our people, what is offensive about

 On this list we are continiousely reminded of the of backwardness of our
 beloved land, Gambia-one of the most degraded, humiliated and rubbed
 societies of the world for quite a long time. Your open letter to the
 president is part of the most humble solutions for the mass participation of
 the people in the development of the Gambia, like wise, the Robinson, and
 Dr. Janneh proposals. All these ideas have only been calling for
 togetherness and nothing otherwise. Well, in other to achieve that goal we
 must differ in ideas and that is one of the ample reason why I appealed for
 re suscription of Mattar.

 After all said, it is important to realise that, the contribution of the
 individual is what complys to collectivism and that is what makes great
 ideas. We must always remember that "many hands make light work". Therefore,
 collectivism will be minimal if we try to block others because of reasons
 that are very human.We must increase our efforts significantly to understand
 the nature of certain individuals at certain intervals that makes them
 paranoid and act very irresponsible. This rerconciliation process should be
 seen as a prequisite to development. It is only when we are organised among
 ourselves and make formidable force that we can be able to discuss ideas and
 come to solutions.

 I hope the list managers would follow this debate attentively and see what
 is authentic. I mean., you should read the other postings, and fairly judge
 which ones are offensive, in langauage wise and formular! with this regard ,
 I strongly condemn the idea that I should apologise to the people. I should
 as well add that, I like wise condemn the structural adjustment policies
 suggested by some list members as a way of reconciliation, because the place
 the haviest burden on the process of reconciliation and instead triggered
 anger and reluctancy to submission. I think we should ask those people to
 apologise instead!

 It would be impossible to achieve reconciliation without subscribing to the
 reconcialiatory song of forgiveness. We must remember that liberation is not
 begged for but struggled for! and this must include both parties to

 To this endavour, the managers of the list should listen to this call with
 open mind and see the essence of unity. I am sure Mattar and all the others
 who were engaged on such foul play will surely understand that we are all
 "Pist Off" of this unfortunate situation.

 With this regard, list managers, I hope we can closs this chapter in the
 name of reconciliation and brotherlyhood and turn to a new one. Sometimes
 one can be force to take dicisions unplesant on their side, but in principle
 that is most fundamental. This dicision you are about to take is a challenge
 to be considerate.



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