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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:00:24 -0600
irena copeland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All,

I am new to the list and not a diagnosed celiac.  I am a 57 year old F
with stomach problems that started about 3 years ago.  I had my gall
bladder removed 2 years ago and had pancreatitis at that time.  (CT scans
of my pancreas are still not normal) This did not stop the stomach
problems which I have observed to escalate in Jan and July about a month
after xmas and vacation respectively.  which is the only time I eat wheat
products regularly.  I had almost eliminated wheat anywayas I had noticed
that wheat, oats and barley products bothered me and I regularly go for
weeks without knowingly ingesting any.

After being hospitalized last July for 3 days with severe stomach pain
middline and under the right ribs I went to a gastroenterologist who
scoped me at both ends and took 4 specimens of the small bowel mucosa.

The pathologist report reads:  " sections are of small bowel mucosa
showing a defuse chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate within the lamin
propria.  Villous projections are quite prominent.  Blunting is not
evident.  Special stains for Helicobacterpylori are negative".

One blood test was gliadin antibody
     IgG    none detected
     Iga    greater than strongly positive

A different lab did a anti-gliadin antibody:
     IGG  none detected
     IGM  greater than strongly positive

My Dr recommended I try the gluten free diet for 6 weeks which I have
done with the only result being that a small white itchy lump on my wrist
has almost disappeared (if I hadn't read the archives of this list I
would never had connected the two and maybe I am being premature in doing
so now).  I have also been diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy within
the last 3 years by a psychiatrist I went to thinking I was becoming
psychotic because of occasional visual hallucinations.


After reading the "postings from the experts files" archives I was
wondering if it would be appropriate to try a casein free diet though
cheese has never bothered me that I can tell and my lactose test was

Are there any other foods or exposures that could cause the high IgA

It's been 7 weeks now on the gluten free diet is that long enough to be
picky about the fine print on food labels since my villi are fine?

What is IGM?

Sorry this is so long.   Any input would be greatly appreciated.

