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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 11:21:24 -0800
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
> I think AQUACULTURE may be the answer- It seems to me that the sea is more
efficient at trapping and
> recycling the sun's energy than he land. There are a lot of aquaculture
> websites but I haven't found any mention of the actual yields achieved and
> how they compare to land. But, my gut feeling is that aquaculture has the
> potential to beat the pants off agriculture- and would also solve yet
> another problem for paleodoods. In fact, my gut feeling is that it may be
> inevitable for aquaculture to surpass agriculture, and as long as we
> eat sea grains (if such exist) - and stuck to sea veges eg kelp plus
> shellfish and fish- then we would de facto change over to a paleodiet.
> all the marketing departments could start crapping on about their "new
> discovery" of the health benefits of seafood.

It will be great to do to the sea what we did to the land ( loss of
fertility, desertification ,pollutions...)
The sea ecosystems allready suffer from the way we exploited the land , the
last wild frontier is in Danger here. I see that the north american dream is
not over. I am really concerned that paleominded people can see in
aquaculture a solution.
because for me what makes the difference between the paleolithic and the
neolithic lifestyle and diet is in the QUALITY  of the relationship between
the peoples and their fellow living being and environment.
Thinking that we can become paleo whithout questionning the way we relate to
our food sources is the sure way to reproduce the basic mistake of wanting
to separate from Nature that led us to impoverish our health, environment
and relationships at the neolithic revolution.
The fact is that we ARE not separated from any other beings on earth and any
"harm" done to them is done to us.

a while ago i think i  sent here some websites about salmon farming . in
fact  It was one of the posts  writen by me on an other list.
>All those sites are talking about the desastrous impact of farmed salmon on
wild ecosystems. The farmed  salmons are fed out of cheap  by products of
the food industry (the only way to make it worth it ) so it will depend of
the availability of those ones  locally and you can be sure that grain will
be represented in the pellets . Those pellets are generally cooked too.
Please don't encourage this degradation of our food sources. And organic or
not it doesn't change that it is contributing to the impoverishment of the
oceans in sea food. Here they farm atlantic salmons and there is some
escaping because seals attacks the farms , The wild salmons are affected by
those new comers spreading diseases...The same problem  occuring  in
concentrated  land animal raising with its production of manure  are
happening here too  , except than here nobody is gathering the feces of
thousands of salmons "living"  in few square meters.
( the ocean is supposed to take care of it)
The best way to protect  and maintain a healthy population of wild animals
and wild plants is to eat them,  overwise  they get replaced by  sickly
farmed animals .and plants. And humans are not very good at creating
sustainable healthy ecosystems.
I can send dry wild salmon to you if you don't have access to fresh ones ,
send me in exchange whatever wild food is still happening around you. that
way we will do more for our health and the health of our environments than
letting the agrobusiness taking charge of feeding us. Wild salmons used to
live in France and could be reinvited by cleaning  the rivers out of the
effluents produced by farmed animals ....
I don't say that we can't participate at reestablishing naturel ecosystem
while " farming" the sea but we really need to view our food sources in a
different light. Raising salmons like chickens in batteries is not healthy
at all for anybody . "managing" our wiold environments might be a better
transitory step to help us to redefine our place in the world. Here we have
a wild salmon enhancement program that do more to assure the food present
and  future of humanity than any farming of salmons could do. Their work is
about to make sure than healthy streams are maintained and they create
hatchery to supply the streams with a bigger population than the wild
population could provide.
i will have lot of thing to say about redefining our role in ecosystems but
i don't have the time now.
Hope than seeing in those websites  the reality of aquaculture can make you
reconsider your enthousiam about it.