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Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 17:45:23 MST
text/plain (49 lines)
Greetings, all!

The message on my new job went to a religious list (remember, religion and
politics are my two favorite subjects) in addition to this list and a number
of friends.  Thought you would enjoy the response of one of my fellow
MennoLink subscribers:

  >Dori, I am annoyed that you would post something so blatently self
promotional on this list. While there is a great deal of reasearch about
ingredients, there is only one diet plan that has produced double blind,
statistically examined research.  That is the Dean Ornish plan, which
combines a low fat, vegitarian diet with exercise and stress relief and has
been demonstrated in several studies to reduce the progression and even
reverse heartdisease. The appeal to "nature" in the form of "paleolithic"
studies, or in the Halellujah diet are completely unconvincing for me.
People in the past
lived lives that were short and unhealthy.  They ate whatever was easily
available. Their judgement about food was even less informed then that of
present nutritionists. The high protein diets of Atkins and the unknown diet
you espouse are diets that primarily pander to American tastes.  Until they
can produce research that indicates they are healthy, I will remain
skeptical.  The interview you pointed us too is nauseatingly promotional.
I'm shocked that someone with your demonstrated skepticism in many other
things would suggest it as informative.If you are interested in a career in
dietary counseling, I would recommendyou consider advanced training in
nutrition at an accredited college or university. There is need in the
health care system for informedpeople.  If you want to simply pander to
popular taste, I recommend you open agrocery store or get a job in
management at a McDonalds. Please do not use this list for any more

Hmm, guess this is proof positive that the modern diet makes you an a**hole.
  :)  That and uninformed.  So I let my critic have it, in a peaceful,
Christian way, of course.  Specifically, I passed along a number of the
articles and studies posted on this list.  Thanks a bunch, fellow listers!
I don't mind agreeing to disagree, but I couldn't resist a whalloping
response.  I've often wanted to thank fellow listers for posting scientific
articles, and this is as good a time as any.  Thank you, thank you, thank

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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