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Justin Hasselman <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 Feb 2000 08:57:25 CST
text/plain (22 lines)
Ken wrote:
And we are the only species who posts messages!
We are the only species that hunts with a sharp stick.

Hans Kylberg wrote:
And we are the only species, doing things that we should not.
Because we *can* do something, it is not sure it should be done.
(Like, for example, posting off topic messages, as I am doing now)

If I understand Ken's initial post correctly, he was merely questioning the
logic of eating dairy as opposed to disagreeing with the conclusion.  For
example, in my opinion, if someone were to say 'Cows' milk is for baby cows
therefore it's unhealthy for human consumption' then I would disagree with
this.  On the other hand, if someone were to say, 'Cow's milk should be
avoided by those with a lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy' then I would
agree with this.  Also, if someone said, 'Cow's milk should be avoided b/c
the sugar in it is linked to cancer of the [whatever]' then I would also
agree with this.  I personally agree with many of the paleo tenets, but I
find some of the reasoning behind them questionable at times.

Justin Hasselman