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Bill Hyatt <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Thu, 27 Jan 2000 11:07:30 -0800
text/plain (39 lines)
Joanne Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I have fallen in the office, too. I don't mind it when I have to ask for
help, though... because more often than not if you TRY to help me, you
CAN'T get me off the ground. I have horrible balance and bad hips, and
can't get up from the ground without holding on to something... (like, the
wall) and if you approach me, and just try to PULL me up, it ain't gonna
work. (I don't have enough balance to just get my legs in the right
position to stand up) So I always tell people to let me do it unless I ask
for help.

> From: Kyle E. Cleveland
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Betty/Jody Dunkel
> Date: Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:55 PM
> Yeah, I don't get it. When we "do it ourselves", society champions us
> disabled), but when we ask for a hand up, suddenly we become a burden.
> a guilt trip to lay on someone.
> -Kyle
> (Who, incidently, has fallen twice in the office today and had to ask for
> help to stand up because my legs were spasming and I couldn't get 'em to
> straighten out. I'm layin' in the floor for gawdsake and people are
> around me!).
I used to fall a lot when I was still using crutches.  It was amazing to me that when I would fall people would want to get me back up on my feet immediately when I just wanted to lie there for a while and get my bearings back, (or my breath).  Since I went to using a wheelchair full time now I don't fall very much at all.

Bill Hyatt
"The shortest distance between two points is.....
 usually not accessible"

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