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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Aug 2000 13:12:18 EDT
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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I just responded to 2 posts about my possible food allergies/sensitivities
and meat eating.  I accidentally responded under my husband's screen name
(ToddCJames) oopps.  He loves meat, I don't!  LOL

Anyway, I'm going to repeat my responses under my own screen name:

In a message dated 8/28/00 7:08:57 AM, [log in to unmask] writes:

<< I think you just answered your own question.  Have you read many books on
this dietary concept?  Meat's good for you.  Wipe everything you've been
taught on this from your mental slate and give it a go.  You'll be amazed. >>

I should have explained better.  I don't have any *mental attitude* such as
not believing in eating animals.  The fact is I don't like most red meats and
I never have - even as a child.  Hamburger I can manage probably because it's
eaten with bread and it has a different texture than say roast beef.  But, if
I ate a hamburger every day, by the 2nd or 3rd day, I'd have a reaction to
this too.  Of course, the reaction could be due to the wheat in the
is is very difficult to pinpoint.  Also if cow milk bothers a person, most
likely beef will too - most allergist and allergy books will tell you this.
If I add higher fat to my fish meal, like nuts, I do better.

About this dietary concept you speak of, I can't find too many followers of
this high meat diet.  My physician says that people who don't eat red meat
live about 12 years longer.  He's been a vegetarian for over 20 years.  I
realize this isn't a popular view of this group.  I'm sure I don't belong
here, but I find many of the posts fascinating.  I'm trying to think of a way
I can learn to like something by disguising it.  This probably sounds silly,
but think of a food you cannot eat without gagging...and then somebody tells
you that you should increase that in large amounts on a daily basis.  It's
not that easy.
Thanks! >>

2nd post:
In a message dated 8/27/00 10:05:23 PM, [log in to unmask] writes:

<< Hmmmm........  You are more of a meat eater than you think, by your own
words and reaction to it......  'when I eat a hamburger',etc.   Did the
cheese on the burger cause you any problems???  >>

I just answered this in a post I just sent, so this is kind of a repeat
response (sorry).  Neither the cheese nor anything else bothered me on that
hamburger because I ate it for only one day.  If I had eaten the same meal
for the next day or two, I would have had a hypoglycemic-type reaction -
headache, racy heart, shaky, probably nauseous, etc.  I'm not sure if this
would be from the cheese, wheat bread, bacon, hamburger, too high of
carbohydrates (had french fries too), or from the whole meal!  I can
definitely get away with eating this meal about once every few days, but
that's about it.