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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Trish Tipton <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 17:06:35 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 20:46:50 -0700 SUZANNE METZ
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Trish, what an accomplishment! Congratulations!

Thank you Very Much!!!!
> Trish, I hope you and Philip Thrift will respond to this request for

I am not an expert, if any needs to be answering these questions, it's
Phil, not me, after all, it was his meal plan I used...........  but I
will do my best.

> Here are my questions:
>>>> 1.  The trainer said,  to get good results with a low carb diet, I
would  need to increase my cardio from 20 minutes/day to two 30 minute
sessions,  one in the
> A.M. and P.M..>>>>

I am not a Dr., nor a personal trainer, so I have no degree to back what
I say, nonetheless, I feel 2 work outs a day is way too much. I did 20
min, cardio every other day and had great results. I too am following the
Bill Phillips work out.

>>>> 2.  My current  lean body mass  of 98.8 lbs. is puzzling. Is it
possible that I increased my lean body  mass by lugging around the 45
extra  pounds in a year and a half? >>>>>

My lean body mass at 5-7 170 pounds is 123, so its hard to say if your 98
is correct or not.  Another person here on the list can answer that for

<<<> 3.  The personal trainer and nutritionist advised me that I may not
be able to achieve the prior weight range of 100-110 lbs. She advised me
to  set a more realistic body weight goal of 126 lbs. Am I truly doomed
to  being chunky the rest of my life?>>>>

A little secret here,  I am in better shape now at 170, then when I was
140 5 years ago! I am leaner, more muscular and much more energetic.
Don't live by the scale, go by how your clothes feel.  A person who is
more muscular will weigh more than a person who is less, yet will LOOK
thinner than the lighter weighing person.

>>>> 4.  Given my genetic make-up (I was not born to be thin and lean),
how long should I give the Philip Thrift plan a chance before making any
other changes?>>>>

Why not give it the full 12 weeks?  To be honest, I did not buy the
myolplex shakes, supplements or bars.  I did however buy the Atkins
Advantage bars to have 1 a day as a treat.  I used that as one of my 6
mini meals.

>>>>>5.  Should I be upping my cardio program to assure results?>>>>

No,  why? because for me, when I did my weight lifting workout, that was
cardio for me as well. It made me sweat, got my heart rate up and I know
I was burning calories and working my heart. IMHO, the slower you lift
and lower the weight, the harder it is and the more cardio effect you

 >>>> 6.  I am taking chromium, Bill Phillips "Herbal Phen-Phen" formula
(containing cafeine), Co-Q10, a good multi-vitamin/mineral  supplement,
Silver Sage Thyro-support and a Growth Hormone releaser.  Bill  Philips
prohibits the use of ephedra type thermogenic supplements on his

For me, I don't take anything that contains caffeine.  I have graves
disease, with arrhythmia due to my graves. I do not recommend any kind of
stimulant if you have any kind of heart problems, even mitro valve
prolapse. *which many women have and are not aware* **my Dr told me
that**  I take a multi, co-q-10, msm, calcium, iron, vit. a, omega-3,
chlorophyll liquid, vit. c,  not all together, some can not be taken with
others.     As for following an eating plan, I took Phil's eating plan,
upped the veggies, added an Advantage bar once a day, using the Bill
Phillips guide to my eating. 6 mini meals, no bigger than my fist.  And I
followed his work out plan.  HTH

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