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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
P & L Ventura <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 24 Jun 2000 08:17:16 -0400
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (77 lines)
> >>I agree with much of the info regarding starches and
> sugars with SCD diet, but disagree with the dairy and
> what seems excessive fruit sugars aspect of that
> approach.  Which turns that diet into - yepper -
> Paleo.
> That's how I got here. I started on SCD and after a
> month or two of eating the "specially prepared"
> homemade yogurt, I realized that the milk protein, not
> the sugar was my problem. I thought I had developed
> rhematoid arthritis (and so did my doctor)!! Within a
> couple of weeks of removing the yogurt and cheese, I
> was much better. I found the paleo stuff when trying
> to make that SCD diet work without any dairy.
> I do, however, (after lots of healing-wasn't always
> so) eat lots of fruit. My digestive problems were not
> nearly so severe as yours, but I did bang my doctor's
> head a few times and finally got a celiac diagnosis
> after some blood tests. Anyway, the fruit doesn't
> bother me, and 9 months pregnant in the summer, it
> seems to be what I crave right now.
Wow - you performed a miracle by getting your doctor to test
you for celiac.  Usually, if it's your suggestion and not
theirs, they'll think you're a hypochondriac.  They're too
egocentric to to think that you might know your body better
than them.  Congratulations on that feat! I had no such
success.  It took 3 1/2 years and this recent emergency just
to get them to test me for IBD, which was the very first
thing I asked them about.  (Went to 3 different GI's in that
time - no insurance either.)

> I also had lots of fatigue and a nutritionist who
> suggested (based on hair analysis) that I had adrenal
> burnout. My doctor put it as my adrenals were "tired"
> from all I'd been through and gave me ACE (Adrenal
> cortex extract) shots for a few months, as well as B12
> injections. And I have to say, they made a world of
> difference. If you can't find anyone who'll do the
> shots, you could use the glandulars found in the
> health food store, although they aren't as strong. I
> also still take a thyroid extract, but recently my
> doctor (who does muscle testing to find weaknesses in
> the body) found my pituitary to be a little low- and
> recommended that I take a pituitary/hypothalimus
> extract. I have to wonder if that wasn't behind my
> thyroid/adrenal problems to begin with.
I've been on sublingual B12 for 3 years - blood levels are
good.   Two years of supplementing heavily with glandulars
have been useless for me.  In fact, my fatigue has evolved
into exhaustion despite an organic, partially grass-fed
paleo diet.  The signs of adrenal failure are becoming more
evident.  I stupidly stuck to my low-fat, grain-based vegan
diet much too long (13 years), believing my initial surgery
(I almost died from a perforated bowel and peritonitis) was
the cause of my problems rather than my diet.

> to go on so long, just thought you might
> want to hear my story. Sorry I don't have anything
> more related to your problems to share, but just
> wanted you to know that I DID get better on paleo
> (it's been about 1 1/2 years now).
I welcome you story, Michele, and some parts are similar to
my experience.  I'm very happy to hear of your quick success
by going paleo.  I'm guessing I might take a little longer
to heal since I spent more time screwing myself up!


> Michele