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Tue, 29 Feb 2000 14:28:50 -0800
Ingrid Bauer/J-C Catry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
> statements made
>by proselytizers cannot be verified by empirical observation. Scientists
>sometimes disagree about which theory best explains the empirical evidence,
>but no scientist denies that true statements about reality are
>The statement "Paleolithic people did not use electricity" is a factual
>statement of science. The truth of the statement can be verified by
>examining the overwhelming physical evidence of its truth left behind by
>primitive peoples.
>The statement "Those who live without electricity live closer to God" is a
>statement of religion. It is a value statement rather than a factual
>statement. It cannot be verified empirically. The person who makes such
>statements in hopes of convincing others of its truth is proselytizing
>rather than teaching scientific truth.

I see those 2 statements as proselytism

"Paleolithic people did not use electricity" This 1st statement is an
attempt to make an objective reality of something that you don't have means
to know for sure.
Electricity is a form of energy that is there at all time and it is used in
a daily basis by living organisms. it will be more exact to say : < nobody
that i know has , or i , never  seen evidences  left in remains of
paleopeoples of the  specific use of that energy that our culture have made
( they didn't find light balls and wires)>.

"Those who live without electricity live closer to God" . This second
statement try to make an objective reality of a subjective  experience . And
there is no way to find out if it is really true for the person even less if
it will be true for other persons
So it will be more correct to say :< I feel closer to god when i don''t use
electricity .>
Reality that every one will be able to believe based on their own experience

That is the closest that i can get to my  reality is to consider the reality
of my experience ( feelings ) .When i can do that i don't need to convince
people of the reality of those feelings . I can have my perceptions and
feelings without other peoples experiencing the sames.
But God it is nice to share them with an other human being  .
