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Fri, 11 Feb 2000 21:11:51 -0800
Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
>I had asked this before, but didn't see an answer.  I have started to eat my
>beef raw,  what a nice surprise.  very flavorful and tender.  Can I also eat
>organ meats raw?  Or should those be cooked?  I like beef hearts and liver.

Yes ,you can eat them raw . I will be myself not very keen in eating a liver
from a commercial cow ,raw or cooked . But from grass fed animal i go ahead.
When i 1st ate a totaly raw piece of beef i was wondering why i ever cooked
them before, it was so good yet i was uneasy with the red color.
 Is your beef grass fed ?

the taste when eaten raw without seasonning is radically different.

I was buying at the end of the "estive" season (when animals are free range
for 6 months in the mountains in France ) beef from animals who graze on  a
wild diverse flora, drinking pure water and excercizing a lot
those animals were fed silage (  salted , fermented grass clippings  and hay
and grass in the winter. The meat of those animals that i was considering
healthy animals was in big contrast with a purely grass fed beef. that i got
from an other region in France ( with certainly not as wild environment) It
was not so good  tasting anymore in comparaison
So despite they were killed after 6 months of a pure diet in the mountains
,the meat was leaving an after taste  due to their not so natural  winter
Same kind of comparaison here. I got in december beef from jersey cows
raised on certified organic grass and hay plus a small handfull  evrey day
of organic feed ( grains and raw left overs of the"  omega" oils
extraction). { sound quite natural food}
Now i have beef from an other breed ( prehistoric looking higland
cattle),and just that , may be,  make the difference, but who eat only
grass and little bit of hay in the winter .
The taste of the latter is so much better.
So i will encourage anyone to make the effort of asking a truely grass fed
animal and getting curious to know exactly where those animals come from and
what they actually eat. It is worth it. specially if you want it raw.