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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
David Lewandowski <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 22:13:36 -0800
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Response to:
>Phil Genova

        You've become your disease. I don't treat disease but rather have the
patient change their lifestyle and support the body's healing capacity.
When the body is given a chance there is not a disease known to mankind
that hasn't been spontaneously remissed from. Do you have more faith in a
pill, powder, or potion than you do in the very life force that animates
the trillions of cells in your body?
        I am part of a non-profit organization. I routinely care for those in need
free of charge. I don't deny care because of an inability to pay but rather
deny care to those that are not committed to their health. I can only guide
them. I am not responsible for them healing or becoming ill. I believe we
get exactly what we deserve in life both good and bad by the way we choose
to live our lives. I don't mean that you necessarily chose consciously to
become cancer ridden. I simply mean that living life as if technology has
all the answers is asking for trouble.
        If you are in the Los Angeles area or will be I extend my services to you
free. I don't currently accept insurance and my care therefore has never
been nor will ever be directed by what I might get paid for but rather what
is supportive to the patient.
        I'm sure you had previous signs that your body's health was compromised
but probably believed as so many of us do that we are healthy because we
display no symptoms. This is not the best indicator of health as symptoms
are merely the end stages of a degenerative process. Maintaining or
improving functional ability is the best indicator of health not the lack
of symptoms.
        Taking an herb is still an outside in philosophy. If that's your's that's
fine it's just not mine. If the herb is taken as a whole I have no problem
with that. I do have a problem with the idea of being a reductionist and
trying to isolate everything down to one substance. Life isn't that way and
neither is your health or lack thereof.
        What happens when you apply a sickness care allopathic model to a society?
They become sick. That's what America has. You don't enter mainstream
"health care " in this country until you are sick. What if you are well and
would like to remain that way. Is taking drugs going to make you healthier?
I think not. There needs to be a paradigm shift if we wish to become
healthy and remain so. Taking drugs or some herb ain't gonna do it. When
taking drugs people mistakenly think they are healthy because the symptoms
are gone when they are really exchanging a side effect for that symptom.
The root cause of all disease has not been addressed, namely the bodies
ability to comprehend itself or it's environment. Eating paleo is just part
of supporting the body in it's ability to sense itself and it's environment.
        Chiropractic or any other received care is not going to cure anything.
It's more important to look at whether you are living a lifestyle that
supports your body's health.
        Phil if you like I or have the opportunity I would be more than glad to
work with you in improving your health for free. I don't give a crap about
what insurance you may or may not have. They didn't put me through school
nor do they have your health as their concern so they will never have any
bearing on my standard of care. I do it simply because to serve others is
the highest of honors.


                Dave, D.C., B.S.E.E.T., USPF 198lbs Ca. State powerlifting champ '95,'96,
father, friend and all around great guy. I think I'll use these credentials
from now on...... just kidding.