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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tony Cisse <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Mar 2000 19:13:53 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (98 lines)
Jaajef wa G-L,

Latest on the elections in's HOT! From an opposition
discussion list broadcasting live news (my transalation)....more to come.

Yenduleen ak jaama



The 2nd round is hot!
1)According to sud FM, there have been spontaneous armed violent clashes on-
going in the "arrondissement de NDame."
2) Voting problems in Paris because the embassy did not hire halls for the
count in time, so delays were experienced.
3) Abstentions in Linguere. Polling station staff are bored and resort to
ing in corridors.
5) Pathe Ndiaye director of the Posts authority (mentioned in my last
posting) mobilises thugs who remove a ballot box from a polling station.
The police are tracking them down. Stone throwing and running battles in
Rufisque. The car the thugs use is identified as belonging to Pathe Ndiaye.
The youth in Rufisque take responsibility for assuring the security of
voting and foil the sabateurs plan, forcing them to flee.
6) Street fights in Nioro and Touba. PS activists in retreat.
7) A PS official discovered in Touba with 87 polling cards.
8) In many polling stations envelops are discovered already filled with
votes for Diouf.
9) In Kolda, where Wade beat Diouf in the 1st round, 20 polling stations
don't open until 10am due to lack of election materials. What happened to
General Cisse's  (interior minister)promises?
10) Street battles at Darou Marnane
11) Serious tension in Toub
12)At least 10 PS officials arressted by Police in different parts of the
country. Arrests were for attempting to dirupt counting or having voting
cards belonging to other people.
13)PS thugs bring terror in the polling stations of Guediawaye around the
Ndiareme market area. Gunshots reported. The "chef de quartier" (alkalo)
Seydou Lam arrested as an acomplice. He was arrested, whilst carrying a
firearm, and attempting to buy voting cards.
14)PS gangs of thugs attempt to threated or rough up journalists to prevent
them from covering the poll. Sud FM warns it's correspondants to be
15)Correspondance from Dakar:
"Dear friends,it is now 16 hours in Dakar. The vigilance committees of the
opposition are doing a great job. A PS woman was delivered to the police
with 89 voting cards and corresponding ID cards. Whilst the whole country
was discussing this news, the PDS (Wade's party)MP
 for Pikine delivered a
young PS supporter with 131 voting cards to the authorities. At Ndande
fighting with machettes resulted in serious injuries. In Rufisque gunshots
were exchanged. It's almost a situation or urban guerilla warfare between
the thugs of the PS in the service of Pathé Ndiaye and the opposition,
strenthened by Mbaye Jaques supporters. A female supporter of Djibo Ka
opened fire in Pikine. In Thies, the house of Mbaye Diouf put under siege
by youths accusing him of setting up false polling stations. Aminata
Mbengue Ndiaye is also under siege in Louga for the same reason. PS
officials ring SUD FM to insult and threaten them. Sud FM has just reported
thatthe PS "enforcement squads" have just announced that they will attack
journalists of privately run radio stations when the polls close to prevent
them covering the results. Another sabotage attempt is made by bthe PS by
refusing to organise transport for vo
te organisers to many districts in
order to prevent voting due to lack of polling stations. There is a risk of
So called "abstention" on the pretext of Tabaski, when it is really this
vote blocking that is to blame. Another attempt to subvert the election by
the PS is made by pre-stuffing voting envelopes with the card of Abdou
Diouf in polling districts known to be largely supporting Wade. The danger
is that if the voter doesnt realise his/her envelope will contain two
voting papers and will therefore be null and void.... It's very tense by
friends remain optimist and vigilant...."
16) 2nd Correspondance from Dakar
"Dear friends,
It is 7.20pm, the first results are coming out and the people are starting
to dream. Wade is winning all over. Supreme humiliation: at polling
station "Bureau no 2 de Berthe Maubert" where Diouf himself voted Wade
polled 192 against Diouf's 137. In Kolda and Ziguinchor result
s are
overwhelming for Wade (proportion of 2:1). In the village of Robert Sagna:
Wade 62, Diouf 57. Wade wins all the polling stations ofe Mbour, Louga, et
Dakar (30) . Exemple: Mbao: Wade 253, Diouf 65. Thies cite Lami Wade 263,
Diouf 88. Wade wins all those announced in Touba, Bambey and Rufusque.
May God bless our people as from 124 polling stations counted, Diouf has
only won one. If Diouf declares himself victor the country will catch on
17) Wade wins in all the polling stations of Madina Baye in Kaolack, in
Camberene and in Mbour.
Its a landslide... Diouf is history! ---


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