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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Momodu Sillah <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 04:46:32 GMT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Karamba Touray:

I am glad you attempted to clarify your position, albeit in a muddled way,
for a number of reasons:

"As is my duty as a citizen, I have decided to partake in the political
process by supporting the people and party I believe best represents the
kind of leadership I want formy country. In this regard I wholeheartedly
support the UDP."

From the above statement of yours,I cannot fail to see that you (and Jassey
Conteh) may not be the NEW Propaganda Secretaries for the UPD, since you
(Karamba) neither hold office within the UDP nor have you ever met some of
the leadership of the party; however you are sounding more and more like a
freelance propagandist for the United Democratic Party than anything else.
Is that a fair judgement? I think so.
What criteria did you use in coming to the conclusion that the UDP, of all
political parties in the Gambia, is THE Party that best represents the kind
of leadership for the Gambia? Do you really know what the UDP represents? Do
they have a mass appeal and representation in all areas in the Gambia? Are
their membership not composed of disgruntled former members of the erstwhile
PPP? Is this the political party that 'best represents the kind of
leadership' for you?

On Waa Juwara you wrote,"He continues to speak authoritatively for his
people and party.  He is the kind of a man I am sure you would enjoy as a
dinner guest," but I have this to tell you, Waa Juwara is not the kind of
person to be trusted with any kind of political office because he epitomizes
the evils of the PPP in every way; he is divisive (the record is out there
for you to confirm) and continues to ring the dangerous ethnic bell for all
to hear.So if this the kind of person you envisage to be in political
office, then my body die for the people of the Gambia; and NO I will not
enjoy to have a person like Lamin Waa Juwara as a guest on my small dinner
table because for me, he represents the divisive voice that the Gambia
cannot afford to listen to.


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