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Fri, 24 Mar 2000 18:07:55 -0800
Scott or Lynne Davis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Tom & All:,   Certainly, there's non-celiac Gluten Intollerance.   My
son has it, folllowing intestinal permeability, and it profoundly
effected him.  He had the biopsy, no CD.    When we read about the
connection between autism and gluten intollerance, we took him off all
gluten bearing items.  He had GI track problems (perpetual semi-diahrea,
lots of gas, periodic stomach pain) behavioral problems (very agressive
and lots of self injurious behavior) and was functionally mute.  at 3
1/2 he had a lifetime vocabulaty of 30 words, spoke at most 2 words at a
time, generaglly when prompted.  After 6 month on a GF diet, he was up
to 400 words, spoke in 5-6 word sentances and was functionally verbal in
his interactions.  Aggressive and self-injurious behavior declined
dramatically.  We only had him have the biopsey at the urging of
multiple celiacs.  The Gastrointerologist had him go back on a gluten
diet in order to avoid a false negative.  He lost words, stopped gaining
new words, and his behavior worsened.  After the biopsey, we immediately
put him back on a GF diet.  Significant improvements within a couple
weeks again.

You may want to refer to

  Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive
    developmental disorder in children
  Lancet 1998; 351:637-41


Tom Madonna wrote:

> Has ANYONE had a negative biopsy result, but then decided to try going
> gluten-free and wound up discovering that, despite the negative biopsy
> result, gluten really was causing them problems and their symptoms improved?