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Sun, 11 Jun 2000 21:35:09 -0500
Melody and Mark Stamp <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (138 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I got a lot of thoughtful responses (more than 32). A few people asked
for a summary, so here are some excerpts:

>Two "kinda" suggestions: 1. When diet docs want someone to gain weight,
>they often have them diet to lose weight, the go off the diet so they gain
>more than they lose. 2. How about vegetable fats like avocado? They really
>put the weight on me faster than anything else. Ooops! I got three. 3.
>Lifting weights, especially "drop sets" will add weight. Drops sets are
>when you start with as much weight as you lift 10 or 12 times, do that,
>then take off a touch. Then, without taking a rest break, lift that as many
>times as you can, then take off some more. Do that till you are down to the
>bare bar and can hardly lift it. But don't do but a couple of sets to start
>with cause it'll make you sore.

>I would say to keep eating potato, rice etc. I had lost weight from 165 to
>148 over a period of years. After going GF I went to 188 in four years.

>I gained weight eating avacados and GF cream cheese on rice

>Several small meals a day might help- I still can't eat much in the
>way of fried foods or fatty foods.  If you can tolerate mayonnaise,
>making some tuna salad, salmon salad, cole slaw with GF mayo, maybe?
>Maybe dice some potatoes and sautee in olive oil, too...yum.

>I suggest you read the book
>    Eat Right For Your Type
>   `     by Dr. D'Adamo
>Blood type that is.

>1.  Baked English muffins using the 'sandwich buns' recipe, cheese muffins
>from 'wheatless buns' recipe and 'modified breakfast cookies' and froze
>2,  Bought cheese, gf gourmet wieners etc and enjoyed.  At least one eng
>muff at breakfast, 2 cheese muffs with cheese and buttermilk for lunch did
>it.  The mb cookies are rich and wonderful.  Two of them for lunch puts on

>#1 - Buy Gluten-free Pantry Brownie Mix - they are so delicious you will
>quickly become addicted to them.
>#2 - Write to Really Great Food company, P. O. box 2239, St. James NY  11780
>or call them at 1-800-593-5377 for a catalog.
>Their cake mixes (orange, chocolate, spice, pineapple) are so delicious you
>can't tell the difference between them and ones with wheat flour.
>#3 - Eat a banana a day.  I have had celiac for 35 years and think the banana
>is the most basic gf food that is good for you.  You can eat it for any meal
>or in between meals.

>     I have been on a GF diet for almost 2 years and it took about a year
>before I started gaining weight. In the past year I have put on 20 pounds.

>it might help you if you start eating carbs--lots of starchy foods.  And they
>aren't necessarily high in fat.  Potatoes, rice, gf pasta, bread.  all are
>good examples.

>I've got the same problem.  Didn't weight much to begin with then lost 30lbs
>over 2 years of being misdiagnosed.
>If you can tolerate peanuts, the original Planters peanut bar and the
>granola bars from Energ are loaded with calories and both quite tasty.

>I have been on a GF diet since Nov.  I had lost 10 lbs during an acute period
>before diagnosis.  I did not gain any weight back the first three months on
>the GF diet but for the last two months, it has been slowly returning.

>Have you tried eating several times a day?  I Drink a Boost supplement
>w/lunch & at nightime, I make a Carnation Instant B'fast w/Nonfat frozen
>yogurt and make a shake.  Good health!  Give it time.  It takes time for
>your body to heal.  I was lactose intolerant for 3 yrs.  Now I can tolerate

>The same thing happened to me when I was newly diagnosed.  I am 5' 3" and my
>normal weight was 85 lbs.  I lost another 10 lbs. just before I was
>diagnosed.  After the first 3 months on a gf diet and working with a
>nutritionist, I gained 25 lbs.!!!!  I have remained around 105 to 110 lbs.
>Maybe your doc can recommend a nutritionist who is familiar with cd?  My
>insurance co. even covered the cost of the nutritionist because it was the
>only "treatment" I needed.

>If you are completely on a gluten free diet, it will take 6 months to a year
>for your gut to heal.  Then, you don't have to worry, you will gain weight
>and maybe more than you want to.

>Just eating more bread and snacks will do it on the g/f diet. Our bread
>has more calories than others. You might try some of those g/f power
>bars and if you can tolerate milk(which I can't) drink g/f malteds and
>have more ice cream.

>My daughter gained weight very slowly after going gf...I think you have to
>let the recovery period run its course....she continued having diarreah for
>6-8 months after going gf.  She ate many small meals a day...maybe eating as
>many as eight times per day.  Very bland food initially...lots of plain
>rice, plain meat, yogurt, limited fruits and veggies (she craved carrots and

>The stomach improves very slowly   The glutamine is best for the
>stomach and organs and muscle so a couple of grams a day is about
>normal for a very active person.
>Vitamin replacement, primarily through pills/supplements is as vital as
>remaining on a GF diet.  Whether the individual's microvilli are nonexistent,
>stunted, trying to grow back, the normal absorptive power is never restored

>Try avacado - high fat, but not too hard on the tummy- I blend it with non fat
>yoghurt instead of sourcream..  Also try adding a few black olives and a few
>almonds to your food - eg. to salads, or baked on top of chicken.

>Try heavy carbs - lots of rice and corn bread, cereals, crackers, etc.
>It sure does it for me!  Way too much...

>Here is something I drink to help keep my weight up.
>8oz. orange juice, hand full of frozen strawberries,
>banana, and 2 tablespoons of Nature''s Life brand
>PRO-LIFE soy protein powder.  It is gluten free.
>Looks awful, but tastes great.

>Try drinking BOOST PLUS.  It has a lot of calories and is GF.

>My 20 yr old son initially lost 45 lbs. before he was diagnosed.  I
>immediately put him on good multi vitamins along with C,Calcium and other
>supplements.  He also drinks at least (1) can of Ensure per day.  In the
>last (2) yrs. he has gained most of his weight back.

>I am currently on a GF bodybuilding program.  The EAS Myoplex is GF (expect
>for the lite I heard).  Anyway, they have a Myoplex MASS formula that would
>be great to help put on weight and it's already low-fat.

>Hi there.  Hi caloric and high glycemic foods can help add calories in
>your diet.