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Wed, 16 Feb 2000 18:15:58 -0500
Eleanor Symonds <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I hope someone can help with this!

Just as background, I'm not an "official" celiac.  By the time I was
referred to a GI, I'd already been GF for several months.  (I knew this was
a bad idea, but my doctors wouldn't believe that gluten might be causing
my problems until I proved it by "curing" myself on a GF diet.  Talk about a
catch-22.)  She ordered a biopsy after a 2-week gluten challenge.  During
the challenge, I had severe nausea, fatigue, canker sores and mood swings,
but the biopsy came out normal.

So she told me I wasn't celiac, but might have "a digestive intolerance to
gluten" and would have to determine my own tolerance level.  She also said I
didn't need the follow-up care, extra vitamins, etc. that she gives to her
celiac patients.

That was 3 years ago, and I've been GF ever since, having determined that my
tolerance level is zero.  Recently, I've noticed symmetrical, translucent
patches on my front teeth (top and bottom), which seem to be consistent with
side effects of CD I've seen mentioned in the list archives.

Since I'm in my 20's and have always had very good teeth, I find it hard to
believe this is just normal aging.

My questions are:

1)  Do we know what causes this?  Lapses in the GF diet, inadequate nutrient
intake, malabsorption, or some other factor?

2)  Can anything be done about it?  For example, has anyone had any luck
with Enamelon toothpaste and/or calcium supplements?

I'll summarize replies.
