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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Fri, 7 Jan 2000 20:32:44 -0500
harrell reaves <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received 7 responses to the question of IV meds. being GF.

Several said that being that the medications would not pass through the
intestinal tract there would be no damage to the villi.  I understand
this and this does make since to me.

I had 2 responses saying that they had checked with manufacturers and
found that some IV meds. were not certified gluten free ( meaning they
may or may not contain gluten).

I can understand what most were saying, that since gluten was not
passed through the intestine their should be no problem.

I can only say that I asked this question because this disease is
complicated and what may bother one person seems to have no affect on

I had an experience when I had an MRI and I reacted terribly to the dye
that was injected into my vein.  Was this just a reaction to something
in the dye?  I have heard of two other cases where a celiac reacted to
the same type of injection.

I am also one who when I put my hands in wheat flour or when I hang
wallpaper using wheat paste, my eyes swell and I break out in hives.  So
if I didn't ingest any wheat, then why the reaction?

Anyway, reacting to wheat in other ways besides eating it, hopefully you
see where I was coming from when I asked the question about the IV

As confused by all this as I still am, I am planning on having surgery
and I don't think I'll worry too much about having any gluten reactions

Thanks for the responses!

Connie in North Carolina