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Steve and Dara Snyder <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 26 Feb 2000 23:51:47 -0500
text/plain (96 lines)
Thanks Russell!, and to all others who wrote with advice.
   A couple other people wrote to me with the same problem.

   Looking at the MS Knowledge Base article (link given below),
the problem occurs from the installation of the "MS Script
Editor" as part of the Office 2000 package.  And rather than
following the MS Knowledge Base advice of editing the
registry, I followed the advice given below in Russell's reply.
However, I probably would recommend switching the order of
2 of the steps. I would un-check the "Machine Debug Manager"
on the Startup tab of MSCONFIG first.  (Start/Run/MSCONFIG.EXE)
   Then I would restart in MS-DOS Mode and rename the
C:\Windows\System\MDM.exe file. Then restart windows and
delete all of the .tmp files in C:\Windows.

   The way I did it (given below),  I renamed the MDM.exe file
first in Dos mode, then re-started Windows, which proceeded
to hang the system.   Had to do a Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot the PC.
Started windows in normal mode, instead of the safe mode
which it came up with, then ran MSCONFIG, and finally deleted
all of the TMP files.

    Haven't had the problem since.   Of course, the Registry is
still filled with references to MDM.exe and associated utilities.

   Now I have to do the same at work.  I wonder how many of the
10,000 employees of our agency nationwide have the same
problem.  <grin>

Thanks again,

Steve Snyder
[log in to unmask]
Reston, Virginia

Russell Smith <[log in to unmask]> writes:

> > "Stephen Snyder" <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> > > ...the system puts 2   .TMP files into the C:\Windows...
> > > fffc744b_{49759660-BED9-11D3-8B52-CD7FAA707135}.tmp
> > > fffc744b_{49759661-BED9-11D3-8B52-CD7FAA707135}.tmp
> > > Questions:  What are they?  Why are they in the Windows
> > > folder? Are they safe to delete?  How do I prevent this from
> > > happening in the future?  Etc.
>    Don't forget to give MS Knowledge Base a look:
> http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q221/4/38.asp
> I discovered this annoyance myself on my laptop earlier this week
> when I giving a PC Troubleshooting class and researched it. Here's
> the best understandable answer I found from Richard Harper on
> another listserv:
>     "This is caused by MDM.EXE (the Machine Debug Manager) that's
> intended for use to debug programs and Web components.  It's installed
> as part of any of the Visual programming tools, and can be installed as
> part of Office and FrontPage as well.
>  To stop it, you need to Restart in MS-DOS Mode, find and rename
> MDM.EXE to a new name (MDMBAK.EXE is a good choice) so that it
> won't run any more, and then you can disable the line in the System
>  Configuration Utility (Start/Run/MSCONFIG.EXE, on the Startup tab)
> that runs it.  Finally you can delete all those temp files.
>  MDM.EXE is an exception to the usual rule that you can disable a
> program simply by un-checking it on the Startup tab of MSCONFIG.
> It can be disabled there but is  re-enabled on  your next reboot.
> That's why you  have to rename the file before you can fix the
> problem."
>  Richard G. Harper (MS MVP-DTS)  [log in to unmask]
> ****************************************
> All the best,
> Russell Smith
> Edtech Consultant, Journalist
> Region 14 ESC Abilene
> http://camalott.com/~rssmith
> mailto:[log in to unmask]

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