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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 16:00:09 -0800
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(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
P.O. Box 31
Bolinas CA 94924
email: [log in to unmask]
February, 2001

New Millennium, Old Struggle

An age old struggle between people and their rulers continues into the
21st century, but perhaps it has never been more crucial. An oppressed,
suppressed, depressed and repressed majority needs to take action
against a  minority controlled system that threatens the future of all

The second Kyoto  conference at The Hague brought 170 nations together
to  discuss cleaning the  greenhouse gas and toxic filth from our
atmosphere. But the USA insisted on citing trees and forests as “carbon
sinks” which clean up pollution naturally, therefore  giving our market
fundamentalists more leeway to pollute.   Didn’t you know that nature
could absorb our wretched excess? Or are you an anti-capitalist type who
thinks life matters even more than profit?

The rest of the world is  dominated by corporate capital, but  retains
some   humanity and intelligence . The conference ended with the global
gas chamber finding no support but from the  rulers of pollution
central; the USA. At a time when  we are in a short term profit induced
energy crisis and desperately need to lower consumption of fossil fuels,

the USA is leading the world into what may amount to a long term
disaster .

Those  who feel it important that one or another heir-head presides over

the state should remember that Kyoto happened during the alleged
environmentally aware Clinton-Gore regime. Now that the even smaller
minded Bushmen have taken over,  people need to rise above  no-choice
corporate politics, and  join the global movement to create a political
and economic environment of democratic choice .

The deplorable condition of our natural and social world is the result
of a system which has outlived its usefulness  and  entered a  downward
trend that threatens all of life on earth . If we continue to be
dominated by the values  of corporate capital , which treat short term
profits as god and long term social needs as Satan, we could be headed
for disaster.

The dreadful election process showed a new generation what a half-truth
American freedom has always been . That is, if people  interpret it
correctly, and not in simplistic belief that we once had a democracy
which was recently stolen. The USA has never been a truly democratic
nation for one moment since it was established by elitists and slave
owners, though the possibilities for finally achieving democracy may
never  have been greater.

The  uprisings that began in Seattle  and continued  with  international

demonstrations against corporate  domination of  our world,  are the
most positive trends for the future. An international movement toward
democracy and peace among people was never more needed,  nor more
by corporate capital  and its servant class. That is  why an electoral
threat from the   Greens and Ralph Nader was treated as viciously and
ignorantly as were the demonstrators .

Establishment media could not say enough about how silly , selfish and
pampered the  Seattle demonstrators were, and the same charges were
repeated about Nader and his supporters .  The hired hands of capital
spoke and, as is usually the case, their mind management programs were
accepted by  people with nowhere  to go for their information but to the

very source of their problems.

Still, public skepticism is growing, best exemplified by the majority
who do not vote , and the  growing number who actively oppose  ruling
power. People will ultimately see through the plastic curtain of
consciousness control. It won’t be easy, but the mistakes and tragedies
of capital will serve to wake more people to the problems, and the
critical  needs for solutions.

For instance: the idiotic drug war, now into the upper billions in
dollar costs and the upper thousands in human lives lost and wasted. It
continues in South America, with the dumb Clinton program to invade
Columbia that may be compounded by the even dumber Bush program
could expand the war into even more nations. This, while more americans
indicate that they have outgrown the murderous  stupidity of this war,
by voting for decriminalization and humane programs for  sick  people
who need what are now illegal drugs in order to become healthier people.

For instance: the savagely racist policy in the middle east, which
respects the economic power of western petroleum interests  and the
Israeli lobby, while treating the Arab world  and  the Palestinians
with total disrespect . Innocent Iraqis still die under our cruel
embargo, while people from Brooklyn, Paris or Warsaw have a right to
“return” to an Israel which they have never before been to, while
natives of Palestine  are reduced to refugee status in a Diaspora that
shames the world , but especially the USA.

For instance: the  Star Wars missile defense madness,  supported by the
nearly spineless Clinton, and more strongly supported by the nearly
brainless Bush. It will not only endanger world peace while wasting
billions of dollars, but also threaten  further  destruction of the
environment, with its component pursuit of  space and weather warfare
that can create floods or droughts and murder people without dropping
any bombs on them,

The American dominated system of corporate capital prospers for the
by causing the many to live on the edge. It maximizes  private profit
and socializes risk, by putting the general public  into dreadful
situations they can no longer afford . Whether it is  personal debt,
social dissolution , economic inequality or  environmental pollution, we

cannot let the sales talks of sophisticated mind management rule the day

any longer.

In the words of a great philosopher, this struggle will end
“either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the

common ruin of the contending classes." To avoid our common ruin, we
need an uncommon form of global democracy, and it ought to begin in the
USA, where the  problem originates.

Copyright (c) 2001 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

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frank scott
email: [log in to unmask]
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791