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Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Sat, 15 Jan 2000 13:58:46 -0600
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 This is serious business.      We must unconditionally support the
right of the people of Sussex to succeed from the brutal oppressor state
of England.

 The genocidal ruler, Blair, has been guilty of the slaughter of
thousands.        We, as civilized people, should immediately call upon
international bodies to condemn the English government for interfering
in the internal affairs of Sussex.

If not, a brutal and genocidal repression will unfold against The
Sussexians and their honorable struggle to gain self determination for
their homeland, where they are by for the largest portion of the

Please send letters of protest to England,  demanding an end to their
racist oppression of The Sussex people.   And encourage our own
government,  here in the US, to do all that is necessary to stop a
slaughter from occurring.

From the BBC-
Friday, 7 January, 2000, 19:47 GMT
  Village declares independence

Sussex...scene of a new peasants' revolt
Just when you thought revolutions had gone out of fashion, the residents
of a sleepy English village have proved it is not the case.

The East Sussex hamlet has declared independence from the UK, erected a
series of border posts and demanded "foreigners" obtain visas to obtain
The People's Republic of Ashurst Wood Nation State - which uses the
acronym Prawns - announced its break from "taxation and British
oppression" in the first minute of 1 January.

A revolutionary committee informed the Queen and Prime Minister Tony
Blair of its intention to rule unencumbered by the law of the land.
The "universal declaration of independence" came with a statement
saying: "We are pleased and proud to announce to the world that we are
no longer prawns of the government of the Disunited Kingdom, we are now
Prawns in our own right."

Those behind the movement say most villagers are in favour of the move
and have volunteered to help man checkpoints on the road from nearby
East Grinstead.
On Friday, a retired colonel - now grandly titled Chief Prawn of the
Army - was in charge.

'Immunity from taxation'
The "revolutionaries" say they are justified in breaking with the UK
because of a ruling by King Ethelred, who came to the English throne in
the year 979.
They say he granted the village of Ashurst, as it was then known,
immunity from taxation after he was taken ill in the area.

Legend has it the people of Ashurst presumed the king was dead and
prepared a great funeral pyre.
But as the king was placed on the pyre and torches were ignited, he rose
up crying: "Stop".
He granted locals immunity from taxation as a result of his relief at
still being alive.

'Serious business'
Villagers deny they have been inspired by the 1949 Ealing comedy
Passport to Pimlico, which starred Stanley Holloway and Margaret
It featured the fictional tale of an inner London parish which declares
UDI after finding an ancient document claiming it is part of Burgundy.
The people of Ashurst Wood say what started as a joke has become a
serious business.

A constitution has been established and passports issued, while Prawns'
leaders say even the police no longer have power in the village.
Mark Eichner, 43, a company director who is now Minister for
Entertainment, said: "The motivation lies in the fact that our village
was losing its direction and identity. Declaring a declaration of
independence will help bring the community together.

'Independence Day'
"It started as a real joke but is now less so. A lot of people have been
involved. It has resurrected relationships.
"Where it will go from here, who knows, but it is growing. I am sure we
will have an annual Independence Day."

Fellow leader Keith Hagenbach, 55, a psychotherapist, said: "I suppose
this is all about our anarchic streak. It's something many people would,
I am sure, love to do. "We are touched that we are doing has reached
beyond the village and we want to channel that energy. We may sell
passports, to hand-selected people of of course, at the local fair and
pass the proceeds to local charity."
 For now though, the revolutionaries are busy establishing total
equality among men.

Mr Blair is yet to respond and there are no signs of British Army
manouvres in .

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