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Anthony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 6 Jan 2000 23:00:30 -0600
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Some people just seem to hate Hillary!
.................................Tony Abdo!.......

A Penalty She Can Live With
By Richard Cohen

Thursday, January 6, 2000; Page A19
Hillary Clinton was on the cover of a recent National Review
magazine--pictured in profile, her hair long, her demeanor stern. "The
Perfect Liberal," the conservative magazine headlined. Wrong, as usual.
The Perfect Liberal, if there were such a thing, would have the guts to
oppose capital punishment.

Mrs. Clinton does not. The death penalty has her "unenthusiastic
support," she recently said. This is scant cheer to the condemned, some
of whom--it is now apparent--are innocent. They are probably doomed
anyway, a prospect that undoubtedly leaves them even less enthusiastic
than Mrs. Clinton about the death penalty. Almost everyone else, though,
seems serenely untroubled.

Among them, presumably, are the boys from the National Review. The
founding editor, William F. Buckley, quit Amnesty International in 1978
because it condemned the death penalty. But that was back when capital
punishment was a mere moral issue. Permit me to say that the question is
no longer just about morality. It's about numbers.

Since 1973, 79 persons have been freed from death row on account of DNA
testing. Some of them had been positively identified by eyewitnesses.
Others had confessed. All of them, though, were innocent to a scientific

It stands to reason, therefore, that among the nation's 3,563 death row
inmates are some innocent men. After all, the usual murder produces no
relevant DNA. A person is shot and the killer flees, leaving behind none
of his own blood, tissue, hair or semen. In that case, the wrongly
convicted is plain out of luck. He will go to his death protesting his
innocence while the rest of us cynically utter, "Sure, sure," and go on
with our lives.

I don't know how to define liberalism anymore, and I don't blame the
Clintons for the occasional zigzag. But I do blame them--particularly
Bill Clinton--for championing the death penalty and attaching it to many
of the administration's criminal-justice measures, a transparent attempt
to show that Democrats could be hard on crime. On this issue, Bill
Clinton has been a masterful politician. He has also been a shameless

Now it is Hillary's turn. She might, as her opportunistic husband did,
turn to the clergy for moral permission to take a life. Such clergymen
are always available. They will cite this or that passage of the
Bible--"an eye for an eye" usually suffices--permitting the craven
politician to go where the votes are. This is what Gov. Bill Clinton
did, breaking off campaigning in New Hampshire in 1992, consulting with
a clergyman and then permitting the execution of a retarded killer who,
as the police cornered him, had blown away part of his own brain.

Nowadays, though, a politician ought to ask his clergyman about the
morality of executing an innocent person. He ought to have him balance
that eventuality against the fact that capital punishment deters no one.
Life without parole will do just fine. What is gained by the death
penalty? Nothing. What is lost? Innocent life, among other things.

National Review is wrong about Mrs. Clinton, but understandably so.
Liberals have been amazingly uncritical of the Clintons, embracing them
both. Even the First Couple's support of the death penalty has elicited
little more than a yawn. After all, the condemned are often animals.
Questions about the death penalty's morality, even its efficacy, get put
aside. If some killer is to die so liberalism can live, then so be it.

Now, though, it is no longer enough to ask whether a certain prisoner
deserves to die. We must also ask whether the system that kills the
guilty will also kill someone innocent. Once, capital punishment
proponents could argue that the system was foolproof. No more. The
criminal-justice system is flawed, occasionally corrupt, sometimes
downright bizarre: O. J. walks. Innocent people sometimes get death

Ronald Jones spent eight years on Illinois' death row until DNA tests
proved he could not have been the man who raped and murdered a Chicago
woman. When he was finally freed last year, he became the 12th Illinois
man in 12 years to have been exonerated after being condemned to die.
Jones had confessed, later recanted and alleged he had been beaten by
the cops.

I don't expect Hillary Clinton to change her position. Her likely Senate
opponent, Rudolph Giuliani, is pro-death penalty, but no hypocrite. I
don't get that sense with Mrs. Clinton. Her "unenthusiastic support"
sounds discordant, out of whack with the rest of her ideology--a squalid
compromise with political reality, an attempt to have it both ways. But
for the condemned, there is no middle ground. The guilty will die for
the crimes they committed, the innocent for the cowardice of politicians
such as Hillary Clinton.

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