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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 20:36:53 +1100
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi.I've been on the list for a while now.Have been
enjoying reading everyone's posts.I'm hoping that
someone can direct me to some specific reading
material to follow up my particular interests.
I  have come by  paleo style eating via the
low-carb route.I began low carb to treat myself
for polycystic ovarian syndrome and hopefully to
remove the probability of developing
diabetes-which is quite prevalent in my family.
What I am particularly interested in
now,however,is myopia.In his book Ray describes
myopia as an auto-immune disease-therefore
presumably alleviated through the diet he
advocates.I myself have been myopic since
childhood and this later developed into
keratoconus(or perhaps the kc came first).I've had
one corneal transplant so far and the chances are
that something will have to be done with my other
eye in the future.I really want to avoid another
transplant if possible.
Does anyone know of any specific  work regarding
eye diseases and diet?I was very interested  to
read Karen and Kendra's post mentioning that their
(one or both)myopia had improved with the paleo
style of eating.Was this a significant verifiable
improvement?So far I have held back on removing
the dairy,though I have been reducing my intake.I
have to say that I feel great at this point in
time.My interest in eating paleo -style is
directly related to its health benefits as I've
never had a weight problem.So if anyone can help
I'd really appreciate it.
Sorry to go on so long but  I'd also like to
mention a book which I first read about 15+ years
ago,written by an Australian doctor,Chris
Reading.It was called Relatively Speaking and
detailed his experiences as a GP treating people
who had serious health concerns ranging from
cancer to manic-depression to Down's Syndrome.He
treated these people by eliminating food
allergans,primarily wheat and dairy but other food
too.He had great success.What I enjoyed about his
book is that he details case after case,it isn't
just  a general discussion of the significance of
diet to health but very specific,tracing family
trees too.I've tried to locate any recent
information on his work but no luck so far.
Hope to hear from someone.As I have 3 young
children I don't have too much time to participate
often but I do enjoy the discussions very much.

SvanderHoek@bigfoot .com