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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 22:25:02 -0500
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (49 lines)
The requirement below that every person has a right to housing and other
benefits is part of the Human Rights agreement of the UN, which US has in
prinicple agreed to..  It is perfectly clear that late capitalism in the
US is a Human Rights violator on these issues (and now also on elections)

> For your information . . .
> F. Leon
> ---------------------------
> Thirteen Reasons to Protest at Bush's Inauguration On Jan. 20
> <>
> In Spanish <>
> On Jan. 20, thousands of people will march and rally to protest  at George
> W. Bush's inauguration in Washington and San  Francisco. We will be
> demonstrating against the incoming Bush  administration and its racist,
> sexist, anti-gay, militaristic, anti- labor and pro-big business policies.
> Bush claims to be a  "compassionate conservative," but his real
> "compassion" is  reserved for the giant pharmaceutical, oil, banking and
> other  corporations.
> We call for a profound social transformation, to a society  where people's
> needs come before profits, where every  person has the right to a
> good-paying job, decent housing,  health care, education, childcare and a
> clean environment.   We call for freedom for death-row activist, author
> and prisoner  Mumia Abu-Jamal, Native leader Leonard Peltier and all
> political  prisoners.  We cannot rely on the Democratic Party--Clinton
> led the charge in demolishing social welfare programs, bombing  Yugoslavia
> and keeping the deadly sanctions against Iraq--or  on the corrupt
> corporate elections.
> Only a mass people's movement can bring real change, as  has always been
> true. Jan. 20 can be an important step in  building this movement, one
> which links together workers,  students, people of all nationalities,
> women, lesbian, gay, bi  and trans people, immigrants, the disabled,
> seniors and  youths.
> There are many reasons to join the Jan. 20 counter-inaugural  protests.
> Here are a few:
                [       [       TEXT CUT        ]       ]