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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 18:57:00 -0600
Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Text/Plain (67 lines)
Give Galbraith credit for going to the heart of the matter, in regards
to the pathetic failure of the DNC 'Southern strategy'.      Hilliary,
scurrying like a rat up to New York, only adds more shame to the
shameless Clintonites, and their philosophical roots of how the
Democrats needed to shaft liberals,  by advocating that they tone the
rhetoric down, down South.

It's been necessary for the propaganda machine to work overtime, to
shore up Clinton as somehow being the most 'Black' friendly of the
presidents.      Imagine!       At least we'll be spared the burden of
having the most 'Green' friendly of Presidents, Halleluyah-Save The

Galbraith invites the Demos to struggle against what he calls 'corporate
democracy', supposedy put into power by the Big, Bad, Republicans.
Or not!     Wasn't it the Democrats that put this crew in?.
Galbraith wants the Demos to now repent, the sinners!

Rather silly and touching.      When will liberals learn that they have
been cast out from Paradise?      The corporations don't need you
suckers anymore!      You are not wanted in the Democratic Party
offices.     It's so pathetic to see you guys, always trying to sneak in
the back door.

Of couse, that's not completely true.     The corporate state will
always need con artists, ready to fool the suckers...... those that see
the image as being the substance.       But still, the Southern based
DNC has had the rug pulled out from underneath their insipid
argumentations.     The South likes you guys even less than the North!

Could there be a heroic Northern Democratic Party 'liberal' somewhere
over the horizon?      He's dressed all in White, on a White
horse.........     I can hardly wait 'till he drives out those Big,
Nasty Dallas Cowboys from the town they seized from Sheriff Bill, and
the Good Citizens.

Just take the advice of John.    Go talk the 'good talk' again.     The
People will buy....    If the Man in White can just get corporate
sponsorship, with a letter of reference from Mr. Galbraith???


<What can prevent such a thing? Only a move away from the main Clinton
compromises that so infuriated the progressive left. Nader's voters were
motivated passionately by issues like the drug war, the death penalty,
consumer protection and national missile defense -- issues where New
Democrats took Republican positions in their effort to woo the South.
Clinton the Southerner succeeded at this -- but against Republicans who
were only weakly "Southern" at best.

Gore, on the other hand, was principally a Northern candidate, strongly
backed by the core Democrats, who ran against, and defeated so far as
ballots were concerned, a wholly Southern Republican. Future Republicans
will almost surely also be "Southern," for that is where the base of the
party now lies. And future Democrats, if they are Northern candidates
too, can beat them -- all the more so if they bring the Greens back into
the Democratic fold.

In short, Al Gore's campaign proved that there is an electoral majority
in the United States for a government that is truly a progressive
coalition, and not merely an assemblage of sympathetic lawyers,
professors and investment bankers. Rather, Americans will elect a
government that firmly includes and effectively represents labor, women,
minorities -- and Greens. This is the government we must seek to elect
-- if we get another chance.>