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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
1.0 (WebTV)
Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 04:33:23 -0600
Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Text/Plain (76 lines)
Jeff, if you disagree with my point of view, that doesn't mean that I'm
trying to ram it down your throat when I articulate an opinion.      Or
that I have come close to lying as you assert....

You wrote....
<As usual Tony, you have gone too far and made blanket statements which
go beyond the truth, and come close to lying. With respect to "the
Democratic Party (being) complicit TOTALLY, in turning over the White
House to Bush and Gang" The Clinton White House refused to hand over the
key to the transition office to the Republicans until AG finally
conceeded (there were quite a few laughs about that where I am). So they
were far from conplicit in handing things over.>

Baloney.   The Democrats have shown themselves to be the loyal
opposition rather than fighting the outright fraud that lost them the
Presidency.      What a betrayal to the Black community that has put so
much faith in sticking wth the Democrats through the years.

Clinton's performance of telling the country that things will be alright
with Bush as President was especially nauseating.      Wasn't this the
player that had somehow saved us from Reaganism?
Does a true opposition behave as the Democratic Party does when they are
ripped off of the top political office in a country??     What is the
balance sheet of the DNC betrayal of its Northern and non-White
constituencies?      They lost every single state in the sunbelt and
West, with the exception of the Pacific Coast states and New Mexico.
The Dixiecrat region is now firmly controlled by the Dixiepublicans.

These are the people who used to hate the Democratic Party.      Now,
they just make fun of it.      And disrespect all that liberalism has
ever stood for.     With good reason.

The Democrat strategy has been to betray the unions, Blacks, and all the
working class that was suckered into believing in the imagery, instead
of the substance.     The only difference in constituencies is that the
Democrats still score with women, while the Republicans are too ugly to
do so.      Hilllary vs. Dick.     That's the choice.

The party of liberalism is now the 3% party of Nader, as opposed to the
Democratic Party forced to make concessions by The Civil Rights Movement
and Labor.     The Democratic Party lost even West Virginia!

What is the legacy of Blair and Clinton?     Has it not been the legacy
of continuing Thatcherism and Reaganism under the guise of moderating
opposition to win elections?    That all ended when the keys got turned
over bny Al's mentor.      We're all 'unified' once again.

The real 'coup' occurred many a year ago, by the slow process of
Democratic Party disengagement from representing the interests of any
constiuency beyond the corporations.      It's not in the corporate
interest to struggle against voter disenfranchisement.     And the
Democratic Party didn't.     In fact, the Democratic Party started the
process off by making felons of a huge percentage of the Black would-be
voters.      And pushing for a military that would produce a Colin
Powell for the Republicans.

Welcome to rainbow-colored Friendly Facism.     This is what the
Democratic Party led by Clinton has served to us.     The 'pragmatism'
of Democratic Party liberals has brought us what they feared the
most...... a new run of Reaganism.    The Democratic Party didn't oppose
it before.     And they will be even less oppositional this time, if the
people do not independently protest.

Clinton promised to brake the velocity of defeats.      He tricked the
public into believing that he was carrying out his promise, by
maintaining full employment and betraying every other aspect of what the
working class needs.

Now the Democrats continue being complicit in the process of moving the
US population into Third World conditions.    It keeps the US
corporations more competitive.      Use the state to guarantee that the
rich can rob the poor at the highest level possible, without an open,
effective revolt.
