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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
Sat, 21 Oct 2000 13:03:02 -0500
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]>
1.0 (WebTV)
Adrian <[log in to unmask]>'s message of Sat, 21 Oct 2000 11:21:39 +0900
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Text/Plain (65 lines)
Adrian, you are tooo much.     You say that you can't tell me apart from
Tom Delay, and I'm responding to a personalised attack against 'Abdoism'
under the subject title you started,  called 'The Abdo Exception'.
But then you swing into William for being 'rude' and 'offensive' to you
and the Vietnamese, no less!    You just got to attack the evil
'Meechamist' ideology, that parallels 'Abdoism' and Tom Delay.

I am not, nor have never been, in bed with Slobodan Milosevic.    This I
swear to... by the Holy Bible.... in front of the Honorable Judge Adrian
to be the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.    Adrian,
I'm down on my hands and knees.     This is not 'a cynical pose',
'parody', or 'posturing'....... Please, Judge Adrian.    Believe me.
I really do think Milosevic is just about the most evil man on the face
of this earth.

I never should have accused Chomsky of posturing in his opposition
against NATO, while doing absolutely nothing to construct coalition and
alliances that could build demonstrations against the war.     It was
enough to just attack the TWO BIG EVILS involved..... Slobodan and
Milosevic.      wjc

Now, can we get on to attacking THE TWIN EVILS of China and the US?
I want to make it absolutely clear to Adrian.    The government of China
ia an evil, totalitarian dictatorship, that oppresses Tibet and almost
the entire world, with it's program to develop nuclear weapons.
They have to be stopped!      Self-determination for the Tibetians!
(to hell with the Chinese, until they can get rid of their demon
leaders.     We can talk about Chinese self-determination after they
have determined along with our governments, to throw off their evil
tyrants that cause so much trouble).     The Chinese are using slave
labor in prisons, destroying the environment, and threatening their
neighbors.     They don't respect the individual as they should.

Adrian, Noam, and I are joining with all concerned people of good will,
to urge that torture be ended by the cruel Chinese communist left-overs
in this gloomy portion of Asia.     Plus, we are opposed to US
governmental policies that support these criminals.     Let Freedom

Let academic Leftists speak out from every pulpit in the enlightened
nations.... to speak out in behalf of support for the most victimized
people in the world, The Tibetians.     We call on the Chinese
communists to allow free and democratic elections.      Let the students
demonstrate without harsh repression..    Grant religious freedom, so
that the Chinese can join with others in OUR countries to worship

Yes, Adrian, I support all these things along with you.     And we are
duty bound to struggle equally against tyranny everywhere our foreign
policy goes.    After our successes in the ex- Soviet Union, East
Europe, and Yugoslavia, it's time to get going with this new campaign.
We'll put Chechnya on hold, unless the Western Press wants to heat the
issue back up.    Then we can join in again.

Those evil Java scum.    Let's help the people there, divide the country
up into several more 'independent' and self-determined states.      The
natives want our help!     Solidarity for ever!     Are we ready to go
to bat for these people?      Give us the go ahead, now.    Let's put
pressure on our governments to do the right thing.    It'll be, because
they have to listen to the people!     That's why they send troops in to
straighten up the mess.     Of course we oppose the troops, but not so
much in this case.     Send them in!

Tony Abdo