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The Continuum Concept Support Forum

The CONTINUUM list is a support forum for the discussion of topics related to Jean Liedloff's acclaimed 1975 book, "The Continuum Concept", which compares the culture and child-rearing practices of modern "civilized" peoples to those of the "primitive" Yequana Indians of the South American jungle.

The continuum concept itself, as described by Liedloff, is the idea that humans, and particularly infants - in order to achieve optimal physical, mental and emotional development - require the full range of experience to which our species adapted during the long process of our evolution.

Further information about "The Continuum Concept" can be found at the Liedloff Continuum Network web site.

Before posting to the list, please read the list guidelines, which were emailed to you when you subscribed and are also available online. Please do not post replies to posts which are more than one month old, but feel free to start a new discussion on the same topic. All technical/usage questions should be sent to the listowner

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