<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received about twenty responses to my comments concerning the
high=protein diet.My two main statements were that this diet was
misunderstood and that one diet was not for everyone. All but two agreed
with my statements.

The American Diabetic Association has once again "allowed" the low carb
diet as oppposed to the high carb, for the simple reason that high carb
simply does not work for everyone.  In fact, my nutrionist stated that
in post-grduate programs, high carb is not taught at all because it
DOESN'T work for almost 80% of the population.  For those of us who are
diabetic and allergic to grains, low carb is not a diet, it is a way of
life.  Please note that I have stated low carb as opposed to high
protein....it is possible to have low carb w/o high protein, if so

Many who get into "trouble" on the Atkins diet do so because they stay
on the first stage for more that the two weeks indicated. Many who are
anti=Atkins have simply never read his books.

As to the "damage" of protein rich diet...check out

studies that support low carb can be found at
