Dear Kendra,

My kids, all,  were sick nonstop after the vax, the docs made a small
fortune off of Larry's tiny, frail body......

Read, if that is not enough info, write to Ray Gallup, at
[log in to unmask], he is an expert...his perfectly normal son  lost his
speech entirely  immediately after the MMR and the boy is still unable to
talk at all .....the family has been through a living hell, as have all of
us who have lost a healthy child to the vax.

There are also many email lists you can get on regarding the vax, write me
privately if you want those addresses as well.



when you mentioned economising so you could stay home...well I worked my
tail off and we live in a nice big suburban house and I would have stayed
home and  lived in a tepee or on the street if only I could go back and
unvaccinate all my kids, they are ALL SICK from the vax and so are their
classmates, so many are on multiple drugs now to control vax symptoms.

Kendra wrote:
>findings or information would be greatly appreciated on the matter.  I am
>scared a little about the decision but feel that his chances are greater,
>eating Paleo to suffer no adversities to not being vacs.