Trish writes-
>ok, no ned to shout  =o]   butter i can toss out and live without...  but
>how did the caveman extract oil from olives??  is that paleo???

Can't answer that, but I must say; I stray from time to time.  In the grand
scheme of things, a little pat o' buddah once in a while ain't so bad.
Think about it; it's all fat, no protein, so no 'foriegn 'protein' to worry
about.  And I know cauliflower is good for me, but it's dull.  I'd say a
smidgen of butter on cauliflower is probably better for me than no butter at
all, given the goodness of the veggie.  In my defense, however, I've had
maybe two pats of butter in a month.  Please don't overdo the criticism!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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