Hope I'm not wearing out my welcome, but I had to share some good news with
my fellow listers.  Chuck, you said....

>As far as mainstream media is concerned, I doubt you will see many of the
>popular magazines, touting the benefits of a paleo diet any time soon. The
>fad is still low-fat, high carb diets...<

Don't count your eggs too soon!  True, paleo isn't a household word, but
Atkins, Protein Power, Zone, etc are EVERYWHERE!  This is a list of stories
I've seen & read just over the last six weeks or so:  Time Magazine cover
story, 20/20, DateLine NBC (twice), the Denver Post, local newscasts
(twice), the Oprah Winfrey Show and The Rosie O'Donnel show.  Why?  As the
Time story pointed out, the top 4 books on the NY Times Bestseller List in
one category were all low-carb diet books.  With "NeanderThin" now at Barnes
& Noble, mainstream stories are just around the corner.  Remember, Cordain
was highlighted recently by DateLine NBC.  Hold on to your hats!

As for a major diet switch, you're right, Chuck, money is power.  Just look
at the way Monsanto has helped keep Stevia under the rug.  But no matter how
much fame paleo recieves, any major change in US eating habits will take
time.  But by cutting carbs and regulating my insulin, I know for a fact my
overall caloric intake is down.  Isn't that at least some improvement, both
for me and the ecosystem?  Still, I constantly recieve criticism: eating
meat is bad for the environment (fertilizer & other ag chemicals aren't?),
this is bad for your health (pure BS as we all know), blah blah blah.  It is
true, the whole world could NOT immediately switch to this diet.  But if out
of concern for third world economies dependent on grains for sustenance (a
primary criticism from my PC friends) I continue to eat what THEY think is a
healthy diet, I would be cutting my life short, literally.  I feel no need
to apologize for improving my health.  Chuck, after reading "NeanderThin",
you'll have some ammo for your "farming-is-good-for-the-planet" friends.  So
head on down to B&N right now!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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