In message <[log in to unmask]>, Hilda Nic
Chrthaigh <[log in to unmask]> writes
>In a message dated 12/14/1999 11:47:01 AM Mountain Standard Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:
><<  because i was just diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome , and it's
>absolutely necessary for me to avoid dairy at all costs. >>
>Why? What's the connection between IBS and dairy? Is there one?

Intolerance to dairy results in similar symptoms to IBS.

I suspect that IBS is sometimes used as a cop-out diagnosis.

It was certainly a label they tried to stick on me some years ago, when
it was dairy and a few other foods responsible for my symptoms. Once
they were taken away, the symptoms subsided.

This doctor at least sounds clued up enough to realise that these
symptoms could result from dairy, but wouldn't it be better to find out
for sure whether it really is dairy that's the problem, either alone or
in combination with one or more other foods, or whether there really is
genuine IBS and not just symptoms attributable to food.

Helen Edith Stephenson  <[log in to unmask]>