<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


When I became a member of the Celiac ListServe, I think there may have been
only 900 other list participants.  The quality of the list has improved in my
opinion due to the increase in membership as well as  the availability of
products and information.  I realize that not every topic, recipe, product or
symptom will necessarily interest or relate to me and that I can accept with no
problem.   BUT, the one thing that really bugs me that seems to happen too
often are corrections in recipes - sometimes multiple corrections.  I mean, I
get tons of mail between personal, business, this listserve, other listserves,
etc.  I find it extremely annoying when 3 days later a correction is posted  to
a recipe I have printed or saved in my recipe achieve.  Now, I have to print
the correction, find the original, make the correction, etc. etc. etc. - too
much trouble.  I usually dump those recipes pronto.

Sorry if I'm being petty but I would like to make a request, a plea even, that
we try to proofread our recipes before sending them to the list - after all, it
is going to 3000 people.  Also - and yes, I know I'm asking for it now!  Can we
come up with a simpler format for the reporting of products and such "just the
facts ma'am" without the narrative or with a narrative explanation below who
have the time or inclination.

West Creek, NJ