Good Morning,

          The Chat room is open all the time - it does not require the owner/moderator to be there or even on line. Kim is interesting in setting up at time to meet with individuals. A possible course of action is for you all to discuss times convienent for you and then set meeting times. To access the chat space once you are on the club page go to 

      Chat Room enter 
      The following members are in our Chat Room right now: [none]

      and then click on enter - the first time it will ask to install itself and from then one the screen comes. The best way to access the club is from the basic Yahoo page - by clicking on clubs - not chat. Please enjoy your chat space - it is a contintuation of the list and set up for your use and enjoyment. List Administrator units 3 and 4 -the  carbon based units known as - Trisha and Betty stand by to assist with questions or problems. List Administrator Unit 3 - will not be able to participate in the chat area -  time commitments have the unit otherwise occupied.

                                     List Administrator Unit 3 of 4