If I may add my .o2 cents as well,  I do not suffer from gall stones,
but.....  the reason I think we all stand a better chance with this diet,
is because we are combining early man eating with modern medicine.  True,
not all medicines work, now do surgeries,  but if i have an illness or
disease that can not be helped from natural herbs, then i am off to my
Dr.  If I have cancer, I am not going to risk drinking water for 3 days
hoping it goes away.  A slight exageration but well placed.

Trish  *down 5 pounds since starting paleo 2 weeks ago*

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 17:41:13 0000 Heathen Girl <[log in to unmask]>
> Ok, I may be beating a dead horse here but I am always one with way
> to many opinions. I have a hard time with this water fast solution
> being toted as the cure all like it seems to be.
> Again, in my situation before I had my surgury the pain got
> horrible. Eventually if I ate anything besides bread it was
> terrible. Then even bread was excrutiating. I stopped eating for one
> full week until even water made me double over in pain. This lay
> down and drink water cure will not work for everyone. I was almost
> in bed the whole time and put it off for so long I had to be rushed
> into emergency and taken into surgury the next morning.
> I am not saying surgury is the only answer but I really don't like
> someone saying that a cure is easy when it will not be that way for
> everyone.
> Thank you <gets off soapbox now and goes on with her day>
> Melissa
> >Date:    Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:20:09 EST
> >From:    Dr Bernarr Zovluck <[log in to unmask]>
> >Subject: Gallstones can be corrected without drugs or surgery.
> >
> OR
> >Arthur McConnachie wrote on this list, on 11/11/99, that he has
> been
> >diagnosed to have gallstones.
> >If McConnachie goes on a correct water fast, his gallstones will
> completely
> >and permanently disappear!
> >I have conducted and supervised the water fasting of many patients
> who have
> >had gallstones, and their gallstones disappeared completely and
> permanently.
> >A water fast if done properly, is a physiological rest for the
> body.
> >McConnachie should proceed thusly. He should stop eating everything
> but
> >water. He should lie down in bed, close his eyes and keep them
> closed and
> >feelingly meditate on his gallstones symptoms until he is
> asymptomatic. Then
> >he can break his water fast. It is impossible to have physiological
> >dysfunction or pathology, without concomitant symptoms. Symptoms
> are the
> >notification of the inherent intelligence within, telling one to
> immobilize
> >oneself and feelingly meditate on one's symptoms. When he is
> asymptomatic,
> >his inherent intelligence homeostatic apparatus, is telling him
> that his
> >gastrointestinal tract problem is now under homeostatic control.
> >You are beautiful. I love you.
> >Bernarr
> >
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