>Jane TLA means three letter acronym, PUFA is an FLA four letter acronym .
>Ben Being Pedantic

in the biz (computers) we like to call those four letter acronyms (like
PUFA) ETLA's.  (extended three letter acronyms).

Woops!  Better stick something paleo in here before I get flogged.

Ray talked a little bit on some web interview I read somewhere about living
paleo (not just eating paleo).  A psychologist I know (not professionally
mind you!) had his ideas about allergies.  He told me that everyone had
allergies, but the intensity of allergic reactions depended on the total
stress load of the person (physical+emotional).  If this is true, then
living in a low-stress way would be a way to improve ones allergies
(presumably everyone has them, clinical or sub-clinical).  There does seem
to be this image in my head that HG's don't seem to be as "stressed-out" as
moderns.  Perhaps this image comes from the books I have read on the
subject, sort of conglomerated into this generic image.  So --  my point?
Is there a "way to live" or a "philosophy of life" that would tend to make
HG's less stressed in general than moderns?
Perhaps modern diet, by introducing foreign proteins into the body, and
therefore "keying up" the immune system, is in fact contributing to the
percieved emotional stress level of moderns?
Perhaps humans are adapted to living in a certain way, other than eating in
a certain way, and we are not, therefore our emotional and psychological
responses are abnormal (same basic reasoning behind our physical responses
being abnormal (food types and proportions not encounted before, therefore
no appropriate evolutionary adaptation has taken place))?  Any ideas?


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