actually, anee, kansas city is right on the border with kansas(there is a
kansas city kansas, too. and it is half way between the decodas and texas.
since i am not going to be able to attend (see earlier post), it does not
matter to me, i am just pointing out that of cities with major airports it
is pretty much in the middle geographically.
   however some other cities might have more direct flight and better fares
if there is commpettion. geography is not everything. some one might want to
discuss these issues with a travel agent.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anee Stanford [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 6:39 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Summer meeting place

Hi all-

Just a reminder in addition to a city we need to decide on an exact date/s,
time and location to meet.  Do we all want to try and stay at the same hotel
or something.  Or do we want to meet at a retraunt or resort or park or
something.  What will we do when we meet- do we want to just talk and meet
all the people on the list, do we want to have some sort of confrence or do
we want more a party...ect.

 I don't know much about Kansas City, bit I do know that nashvill is a whole
lot closer to those on the east coast so I think it should not be there.

In my oppioion it should be in one of the middle states and when I say
states I am talking about the vertical line of states that runs (Dakota,
Nabraska, Kansas, Oklahoma Texas....did I leave one out) and I am thinking
should be in the middle or slightly north the horizontal line runing through
that vertical line because than the people who might come from Canada don;t
have to come all the way to the south and the people from the north don't
have to come all the way to the south.  Also if you come very much south of
the horizontal midline and meet somwere on the vertical midline it is way to
hot in the summer that's why I think slightly north...we don't want to meet
somewear were it is going to be 105 degrees or something.  I know there are
no citys that are in both the lateral and horizontal midline that we would
want to meet at, but Kansass City would be good in my book.  I know that
nashvill is not that far from Kansas city but comming from the north or the
west, it deffinatly looks that much further.  I know that we are all prety
much going to have to travel along ways were ever it is but I think it
be as much in the middle if you are driving from the east coast to the west
coast as possible.     It should be somewere in the midline of the country.
But what ever we work out is fine with me.

Just some things for us to be thinking about.


In a message dated 11/3/1999 11:58:28 AM Central Standard Time, [log in to unmask]

<< just a suggestion,   everybody join the frequent flyer club of the
 you'd expect to take into KCMO. maybe two.  even if you don't fly much,
 you'll sometimes get coupons and offers from the airline that will make
 tickets cost less.

 you people that expect to use american airline or continintal you may want
 to consider a "entertainment" coupon booklet there are $$off for these two
 in it. the entertainment booklets are sold by groups as fundraisers.

 just trying to help.