<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My three-year-old celiac son has had a rough summer of chronic diarheea.
In desparation, I finally put him on the BRAT diet (clear liquids,
followed by bananas, rice, apples ... you know), and his diarheea
finally cleared up.  Then I gave him a piece of his gf bread (from
Kinnickkinnick) - diarheea again within 24 hours.  I kept him off the
bread (and milk products) for another three weeks, during which his
stools solidified again.  Last night I made him some cookies with a gf
flour mixture and once again - BOOM - diarheea.  Bev in Milwaukee
suggested that perhaps it is the tapioca starch/flour, since she has two
women in her support group who cannot tolerate tapioca.

Has anyone run across this before?  What can I substitute for the
tapioca flour in my GF flour mixture?  Does anyone know of a good
bread/mix that can be ordered without tapioca flour in it?

Michael's milk alergy test came back negative, so it's not the milk.
but something in the gf bread and cookies set him off.  Would Xantham
Gum do that?

Thanks in advance for all responses.  I will summarize if requested to
do so.

Deborrah in IL