<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Summary of "Diets-to lose weight/gf."

Virtually everyone recommended some sort of low carbohydrate diet.  The
following are the specific recommendations:
7     Dr. Atkins
7     Weight Watchers
5+1 (5) The Zone +(1)The Zone with Eat Right for your Blood Type
3     Protein Power
2     Suzanne Somers
1     Carbohydrate Addict Diet
1     Paleolithic Diet
1     Less than 100 grams of carbohydrates
1     Diary Free
1     Vegetables and Fruit Only
1     Exercise Only

Additionally four books were recommended:
Intuitive Eating by E. Tribole
The Tao of Eating by L Harper
Maximum Weight Loss Plan  by Dr. McDougall
The Schwarzbein Principle