Hi, everyone,

Governor Davis vetoed the bill that would have helped us on the raw
issue. The bill had passed almost unanimously in the House yet Davis
it. Below is my response. Please send him your
response because it affects everyone, even if you do not live in
Thank you.


Right To Choose Healthy Food
P.O. Box 176
Santa Monica , CA 90406-0176
(310) 712-5700
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

 October 11, 1999

Gray Davis, Governor
State Capital Building
Sacramento, CA  95814

RE: SB971 (BACA) County milk commissions. Vetoed by Governor 10/05/99.

Governor Davis,

Our health has been damaged by your veto of SB971.  We want to know
why you
vetoed this bill.  I called for your response on 10/08/99 and left a
message.  You did not return my call.

We, at Right To Choose Healthy Food, are devastated that you deprived
us of
legislation that would have given us, the public, a healthier voice
healthier choices.  Basically, you have made it more
difficult for us to obtain good wholesome food rich in raw nutrients
healthful anti-carcinogenic bacteria.  Your action favored that we,
public, be doomed to disease by the microbe-phobic
narrow minds of certain medical milk commissioners.  SB971 would have
alleviate some conflicts of belief and interest.  The fact that
doctors have
everything to gain by disease and argue their
conditioned views should always be considered when creating
legislation that
deprives the public of constitutional choices.

As I mentioned in the material that I sent you enclosed with my August
1999 letter, that you did not answer, E. coli and salmonella are
for dissolving tumors and reversing cancer.
(Reported by University of Toronto in conjunction with Children’s’
of Toronto in Oncology magazine June, 1999, and Dr. Lowe at Yale
on CNN, December, 1998, respectively.)  You have
ignored the research that proves raw milk helps reverse terminal
The public has a right to easily obtain any God-given natural food
with all
of Nature’s bacteria.

We plead with you to reverse the veto and sign bill SB971.  We
await your immediate action and written response to this letter.


Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Executive Director.