Hi Marjolein,

Just to respond to a couple of your replies.

> I don't understand exactly why eating protein at each meal will cut sugar
> cravings. Could you explain this? I happen to be a convinced vegetarian.
> Making me eat meat is very difficult. Could I substitute with tofu?

What has made you a convinced vegetarian? Ethical concerns or love on
animals? (very understandable). Or the idea that a veggie diet is best
health? (very questionable, especially for anyone with a chronic yeast

It is my personal experience that all-veggie meals just don't give me
'staying power' and I get hungry between meals, and then overeat on
high-carb snacks (and eat too many carbs overall). Perhaps if I was
assimilating better I would be fine with less protein, but that's
I know that I do assimilate much better than I used to.

Tofu is problematic for a few reasons I have read about - presence of
inhibitors not totally removed by processing, a less than ideal
balance, and, when compared to high-quality animal foods they might
substitute for, a lack of many beneficial coenzymes and other
Maybe as a woman the soy phytoestrogens might counterbalance some of
detriments if you need those effects.

I tried a high-tofu, mostly veggie diet about 3 years ago, and the
I'm convinced contributed to  hypothyroidism. I had to take thyroid
for awhile to function half-normally. Raw foods and more and more
protein, avoiding the toxins in factory-farmed animals, and by and
avoiding anti-nutrients such as found in tofu and broccoli, helped
the problem, and I don't need the pills anymore. My hands and feet are
and warm these days (despite the so-called 'cooling' effects people
expect from eating so much raw food!). I'm not actually allergic to
though, and I have eaten it a couple of times over the last few

> I
> also understand that although I'm not a meat eater, it's still
> better not to
> combine carbohydrates and proteins into one meal.

Some people experience this, but one of the potential benefits of raw
that it is often less of an issue.

> I was also adviced not to eat the same food twice within 4 days in a row
> (rotating food).

Although I'm very sensetive to things, I've eaten certain staple foods
have been beneficial to me almost daily for years now (organic
lettuce, red onions, carrots, Country Hen eggs) with no signs at all
allergenicity. I also had a blood test a few years ago that claimed
allergy to egg. In contrast though, I'm sensetive to certain foods
cooked but not when raw (and others are OK lightly-cooked or raw), and
blood test or alternative-MD ever told me about this possibility -
doing a bit of reading and experimenting I discovered it myself.

So I think the allergy potential, or what is assumed to be allergy but
really just sensetivity, of raw-edible foods may often be based more
on the
quality of the food, or denaturing or lack of, than the type. Rotating
'non-edible-raw' foods like rice or beans or tofu, or dairy that you
only get in their pasteurized forms but would be much better raw, may
more useful.

> I'm using organic rice (full rice, my dictionary calls is unpolished rice,
> what's the English word for it anyway?)

Brown rice??? Some people feel white basmati rice is actually best and
easiest to digest, and that brown rice is often rancid. Buckwheat is a
gluten-free 'alternative' grain, but it seems that all grains when
tend to promote yeast overgrowth.
