>I am myself not living with 1000 calories ( i don;t know how much in fact
>but eat a lot and allways did and eat fruits vegetables meats nuts and
>seeds). But i allways wonder if  it might be an answer for me to reduce the
>caloric intake drastically and it will appeal to me to be able to do that
>but never managed to do so .

Jean Claude, I noticed on the Ketogenic list that the parents are
advised to
reduce calories to gain better seizure control.....

Also, it seems that mankind in his native hunter gatherer state must
inevitably done a lot of fasting as food supply would have been
uneven? I
read of HG tribes along the Columbia River/Pacific Ocean and many were
thin....the author said they never ate breakfast.....went out hunting
first......were amazed at civilized man's proclivities for breakfast.
think we eat a lot more than we should as food is more available to