Hi All!!!

It's been a long time since I've posted anything to the Lists -
I have been lurking :-)!!! - and basically I haven't had much to say
have been really busy doing a lot of Research and also taking my Diet
Day by Day.  I basically eat whatever I want whenever I want it, and
what I've noticed is that I'm really drawn to Raw Meats and Organs -
mostly Beef, Chicken, and Turkey - primarily, then Raw Dairy - mostly
Milk and Cheese -, then Fruits and Nuts - I love Walnuts with Raisins
and Cheese a lot - Is that suppose to be a Good Food Combining or not?
I'll still like it either way - and then I as a snack or for dessert I
have my Famous Absolutely Fabulous Super Fantastic Totally Awesome
Chocolate Chip Cookies - Sound good eh?!!! - They're made of Totally
Organic Flour, Real Butter, Real Sugar, Real Vanilla, Real Chocolate,
and Walnuts, and I do really well on them and do eat them about once
every week or 2 depending on my Mood.

I'm describing what I eat because I want to get feedback from everyone
on my Diet and what I am now changing to.  I rarely seem to eat any
Vegetables except for the occasional Celery stick if there happens to
some in the fridge or I'll have some of my Girlfriend's salad
occasionally if I'm around when she's eating one; or if I go to a
Restaurant and order a Salad.  By the way, when I go to Restaurants I
order Cooked Food as well and it's usually a Meat Dish and they
sometimes have some type of Noodle/Pasta with them, but it's maybe 2-3
times a month at the most - I really just Love Jambalaya, when I go to
the Cheesecake Factory, and I also have their Southwestern Salad with
the best Peanut and Pesto type dressing, and, of course, their
Cheesecake - Their Lovely and Delicious Cheesecake!!!  I also love
Food and especially their Pataya Noodles and Chicken Coconut Cream
- Mmm!!! Mmm!!! Mmm!!! - Yum!!! Yum!!! - And I also just Love Indian
Food - Yum!!! Yum!!! Yum!!! - What can I say: When I do go out and eat
Cooked Food I really Enjoy it and make sure I only get Dished I Really
Love!!! :-)!!! - Yum!!! Yum!!!

What I want to know is what I'm eating "Complete" enough for all my
supposedly Nutritional needs.  I take NO Supplements or anything else
like that that aren't Natural except some Food Grown Calcium that I
to my Cats and Kittens since they eat Raw Meat and Organs but don't
the Bones really that much and so need some Calcium and I'll eat with
them quite often so get the Calcium from that when I give it to them.

I have been eating primarily Beef and Turkey Meat, and Chicken Organs,
Hearts and Gizzards to be specific since those are all the Natural
Organs I could get that I knew of and I didn't trust the Beef Organs I
saw in the Local Ethnic and Mexicans Markets around here.

I've now FINALLY found a place here in Los Angeles where I can get ALL
the Beef Organs - I mean EVERYTHING!!! - You Name It, And I Can Get
It!!! - Cool Eh?!!!  I really checked out the source to make
sure that there were NO Antibiotics or Hormones used on the Cattle and
there are not - Thank God!!!  So now I can finally do something I've
always wanted to and felt led to do by my Body and Instincts and
eat Mostly Organ Meats for my Diet, and that's been going pretty well.
I think I've just about eaten everything you can now from a Cow except
the Testicles and Eyes.  I did speak to one of the Guys there who has
had Eyes and said they tasted similar to Brains - I'll tell you more
about this guy later in another Post - He was really Cool to talk to
his Dietary Story and Lifestyle and that of his Family's is Really
Awesome and Absolutely Fascinating and Confirming to how I eat and
to eat more like.  He grew up in a small Mexican Village and he and
Family ate Raw Meat, Organs, Eggs, Milk, and Cheese.  He said they ate
lot of Organs because they were Poor and the Organs were the Cheapest.
They did cook a lot of the Organs though as well as their Corn
Tortillas, but just wait till I tell you about their Health and how it
holds up to this day - It's just Absolutely Amazing and Really
Confirming about eating a mostly, if not at least partially, RAF Diet.

Well, in regards to the Raw Organs, I seem to like everything and eat
whatever I feel moved to eat and am attracted to - Who would have
that I would have liked Melts (Spleen) so much; they look like a
or Tentacle from a Giant Creature and taste a bit like Liver.  I
just Love Heart, I think since it's the most similar Organ to Meat,
I feel the Most Strengthened, or I think Charged or something like
with Kidneys.  Well I guess I would say that they are both
and I feel good eating them but they have different effects on my
and as I said before, Heart is more like Meat but more Solid and Feels
More Strengthening than just Meat, and the Kidneys seem to Feed and
Strengthen my Organs more.  I have a Feeling it's probably as simple
this: You want to Build, Feed, and Strengthen the Heart, eat Heart;
want to Build, Feed, and Strengthen the Kidneys, eat Kidneys; you want
to Build, Feed, and Strengthen the Brain, eat Brains, etc. etc..  I
buy 6 Brains and have eaten a little Brains and it doesn't taste Bad
it's actually quite fine and good but it's rather bland - I just went
the fridge and took a bite of Brain - doesn't that sound a bit strange
Please no throwing up :-)!!! - just to make sure and yep it's still
and Good but Bland, so it's not bad at all.  In fact, if I would have
given it to any of you I don't think you would have know what it was
since it doesn't taste at all strong and is so bland that it could use
little Spicing up - Yum!!! Yum!!! Spicy Brains!!!  I would have eaten
more Brains, but believe it or not, even I, when I think about it too
much think: Brain?!!! and wonder about Mad Cow Disease and just the
thought of Brain; then when I just Feel it and Feel my Body and what
wants and says and how it reassures my Mind that it's okay and my Mind
then remembers Logically that Brains can be really good for it (the
Body) and there's nothing to worry about, basically my Whole Being
more into Alignment with each itself, and then I can eat them -
Mmmmmm!!! Brains!!! - Imagine hearing that at the Dinner Table: We
Brains!!! We Want Brains!!! - Hahaha!!! - :-)!!!  They are Soft and
seemingly Bland though so not as fun to eat as I don't get a Great
Distinctive Flavor from it.  I wonder if an Instincto out there had
eaten enough Brains to where he got a Stop and what the Flavor was
before and after for him.  If anyone knows or has heard of anyone,
please let me know :-)!!!  Next week I'll be getting Sweetbreads
(Thymus) - they didn't have any this week, I guess they're very
and Yummy :-)!!!  Also, I'm going to be getting some Tongue too, but
since it's considered a Gourmet Item it's really expensive so I'm only
going to be getting a little.  Also, I decided not to get any Tripe
(Stomach) since I've had it before and it didn't seem to be that Great
Tasting and/or I didn't like the consistency that much, and am I
out on something good by not getting it?  Have any of you had it and
is better than I remember and really good for you too?

While I was writing this I was also reading something and it mentioned
Lungs were also eaten, so I'm going to see if I can get them.  The
other things that I'm going to have to see about getting are the
Glands.  I think I was told they weren't "fit for Human Consumption"
some BS like that but I think I can get them if they're just going to
throw them away anyway; I'll just say they're for my Cat and so the
Magic Words people like to hear to keep them out of trouble: "Not For
Human Consumption" or "For Animal Consumption.  My Body tells me it
wants Adrenals and I Feel because I must use them a lot since I rarely
sleep and really do burn the Midnight Oil just about all the time.
week for example I went to bed twice; and, in fact, right now while
writing this I've been up for 2 days.  I usually don't go more than 2
days at a time but mostly get about 3-4 hours a day when I'm lucky.  I
am getting the feeling I need to get some more sleep again and so I'm
going to work that into my Schedule somehow - We can Dream, can't
:-)!!! - I guess I'm just Strange that way -:)!!! - A Night Owl,
Nocturnal, a Creature of the Night!!! - That must be why I like,
actually Love, Raw Meat so much!!! - Mmm!!! Yum!!! Yum!!! - I always
wondered why I was so drawn to it since I was a Kid :-)!!!

By the way, does anyone know of anyone else who can go for days and
without sleep on a consistent basis without ANY stimulants whatsoever.
Also, the most I've done was 5 days twice when I got really busy.
Typically, about the 3rd day you get the Waking Dreams and the World
looks Quite Different and like you're Dreaming and it's a Bit of a
and like you're High I expect.  I've really never taken ANY Drugs -
even Aspirin!!! - Really!!! - so I'm going on Instinct that that's
Drugs can Feel like.

Well now you All know pretty much what I eat and I'd like some
from you All and your Personal Experiences on a Diet anything like
or another you know of etc..  Some of the things I'd like to know are:

1. What is the Nutritional Analysis of the different Organs?  Is there
   a Good Site for this somewhere or please just post the Info?

2. Will I get all the Nutrients I need by just eating mostly Raw
   and if not what do I need to add?  Do I need to Balance it more
   something else like maybe more Meat, Fruits, Vegetables, and/or

3. I don't Juice in General, as I felt it really wasn't Natural,
   although I do Love Juice when I have it, and can I get what I might
   be missing from just the Juices if they're Organic?

4. Anything that you think/feel might be useful and helpful to me on
   New Adventure in to Mostly Raw Organs.

P.S. We just had a Major Earthquake here in Southern California, it
a 7.0 Magnitude in Hector - they're calling it the Hector Mine
Earthquake -, which is 32 miles North of Joshua Tree, 12 miles West of
Ludlow, near Landers where we had a Major Quake about 7 years ago,
100 miles North-East of Los Angeles where I live, and it hit at 2:46am
PDT and was felt even as far away as in Las Vegas and other
States - Wow!!!  This was the first Big Roller, Rolling Type Quake,
ever experienced - It was Really Cool and so were the Aftershocks!!! -
Cool!!! :-)!!! - I'm glad we didn't have any damage though - Thanks
All!!! - That's what I call God and the Creator of All Things a lot

Anyway, that's all for now and I look forward to getting some Great,
Helpful, and Really Informative Replies from you All really soon.

 - Thank You!!! :-)!!!

 - Gregg!!!
Tel: +1 323 255-1980
ICQ #: 2038656