> -Date:    Wed, 13 Oct 1999 17:46:53 +1300
> From:    Lynton Blair <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Reasons for paleodiet
> Francis Orlando wrote:
> > - Humans do not seem to be efficient meat eaters without tools.
> >   Is the thesis that tools make us omnivores and that this is an
> >   adaptive and evolutionary-driven requirement now?

> People seem to have been eating meat using tools for at least 2 million
> years ( ie homo erectus or similar).  This from a site in Europe,dating
> a skull in an area with piles of mammal bones (rhino, hippo, ...).
> My take is that prior to tools it would have been a tough ask to bring
> down a rhino or hippo!!!  However, scavenging on dead or dying animals
> would have been possible.
> Lynton

Hi Lynton,

I guess I'm in style again, now I eat my raw chicken and meat without
tools--like an early scavenger-- tear it off the
bone with my teeth. Am I'm ever an efficient meat eater now--and so
and healthy for my body and brain it is.
