
We sent out letters recently to ask people for their
comments (including a SHPO rep), but they aren't due for
another week or so.  The last possible minute is when I
expect to hear from anyone.

We do actually have a sympathetic legal staff here, who
usually draft these ordinances.  Actually, the Council
member that introduced this one is a lawyer, and some of
us have speculated as to whether he actually decided to
take a crack at this one himself before realizing what
all is involved in this sort of thing.

Anyway, my task in all of this is to present the
ordinance to Planning Commission with any
recommendations for revisions, at which time I will be
pitching the common sense approach that we've discussed
here.  If the changes are approved there and general
concensus abounds elsewhere, the ordinance will be re-
drafted by the Law Department for final approval in

I'm currently reviewing some ordinances/codes/other
legislation from other cities to see what they have on
the books to support (hopefully) my proposal.  I thought
I would throw this one out to BP for some practical

Thanks for your input;
I'll let y'all know how it turns out.

- NL
aka Johnette
(yes, that's my real name!)