<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello from New York City.  I am a very well-behaved 33 year old celiac , as
well as casein intolerant (therefore I ingest no milk or eggs).  The past few
years (and the past three weeks especially), have been hell on my allergies.
I thought that by stopping milk and gluten, eventually my pollen, grass,
dust, ragweed, mold, etc. allergies would lessen. But they only seem to get
worse.  Perhaps it is the climate changing (various hurricanes), perhaps it
is the bug spray they are spouting to kill the mosquitos in New York.  But I
am suffering in a big way.

Is anyone else from this coast suffering?  Swollen, runny, red eyes,
congested sinuses, exhaustion?  Does this suffering/reaction have anything to
do with celiacs having hyper-active immune systems?  I have tried
everything...resorting to Benadryl and Afrin as I am an actor and need to
look and sound my best everyday (but don't we all , really?).

I am going to an allergist tomorrow, presumably to get shots for these - my
"other" allergies.

Is it me, or is anyone else out there as sensitive to everything as I am?  I
get very depressed when my allergies act up every September and May, and it
certainly doesnt help being celiac.  I am just tired of living such a
"sensitive" lifestyle.


Peter (NYC)