<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for the many responses I received concerning Presidents
Choice Ceraels. Several of you requested the detailed list of PC
products that are GF, so I have sent that to those who requested.

Most of the responses I received concerned the nature of maltodextrin.
Some said that since the word has "malt" in it, maltodextrin contains
malt. I have it on the authority of Dr. Kasarda of the US Department of
Agriculture that **at least in the US,** maltodextrin in food is made
from corn or potato and is therefore safe for celiacs. Note: this does
not apply to vitamins or mineral supplements and meds. Hope helps. The
reference is quoted below.

***Maltodextrin is prepared as a white powder or concentrated solution
by partial hydrolysis of corn starch or potato starch with safe and
suitable acids and enzymes.  (1) Maltodextrin, when listed on food sold
in the USA, must be (per FDA regulation) made from corn or potato.
This rule does NOT apply to vitamin or mineral supplements and
medications.  (2) Donald Kasarda Ph.D., a research chemist specializing
on grain proteins, of the United States Department of Agriculture,
found that *all* maltodextrins in the USA are made from corn starch,
using enzymes that are NOT derived from wheat, rye, barley, or oats.
On that basis he believes that celiacs need not be too concerned about
maltodextrins, though he cautions that there is no guarantee that a
manufacturer won't change their process to use wheat starch or a
gluten-based enzyme in the future.  (3)
   - May 1997 Sprue-Nik News

Other references can be found at TCCSSG and CSA/USA. I understand they
each publish booklets outlining foods and additives to avoid.

Although Betty Hagman says:
"Maltodextrin is made from  cornstarch. Dextrin can be made from many
sources, including wheat, so should be avoided unless stated, for
example, corn dextrin"

I imagine that the may 1997 Sprue-Nik News is more updated, but it
seems true that Hagman and Kasarda aren't in 100% agreement. A further
question might be whether food companies abide by the FDA

The problem is that my question dealt with PC foods which are CANADIAN
and not under FDA regs.

Someone was nice enough to call Loblaw's and ask about the PC cereals.
The President's Choice Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes and Rice Krispies
have natural flavouring, no malt flavouring.  They also carry a line of
cereals called "Ancient Grains".  The one with corn ("Golden Maize") is
supposed to be GF.

Someone else added a caution that there are two PC ceraels that can be
mistaken for eachother... one is GF and one is not. She thinks the GF
one has a gold Band and the non GF one has a green band.  The cereal is
sort of like corn flakes (kind of bland) but topped off with bananas,
berries, or raisins, it is said to be quite tastey. I can't get it
where I live, so I don't have 1st hand experience with it.

I hope this helps. My son did try the Slightly Toasted Rice Frosted
Flakes and on his way to school felt like he was going to throw up. (He
didn't in the end). I don't know if it was a gluten problem or a
psycho-somatic issue because he just started in a new school.

Again, thanks for all the responses.

Sharon Marcus