
Tom has done a good job responding to you point by point, and while I
won't say that his arguments are necessarily 100% correct given the
vagaries of science, they definitely call into doubt your claims.

You say that you have not been sick for 14 years after being very sick
before, yet you have only been raw-vegan for 8 years. Also, during the
past years, if I understand how the natural healing and detox process
is supposed to work, I would assume that some 'healing crises', where
you would be feeling sick, would be a necessary part of the healing
process to achieve your so-called 'perfect health'. How could you just
suddenly 'never be sick'?

Maybe depends on how you define 'sick' ???

In any case the way life is today I don't think most of us can ever
aspire to 'perfect health' on any ideal diet, whatever that may be -
there are just too many things to be overcome, from constitutional
weakness, environmental pollution, family and relationship problems,
vaccinations, mercury amalgams, etc. etc.

I find it interesting that people who were committed to this ideal of
'perfect health through raw-vegan', and definitely did all they could
to live it, like Herbert Shelton and TC Fry (and Tom Billings),
eventually found it failing them.

Long time herbalist and vegan disciple John Christopher seemed to run
into problems by his 70's, although I've not yet discovered the real
health circumstances surrounding his last years and death (perhaps
people committed to his legend may not want us to know???). Bernard
Jensen was vegetarian for many years then turned to raw goats-milk
as apparently he felt something was missing in his diet.

Meanwhile somebody like Jack LaLanne, who started his life-long
commitment to health on a vegetarian diet, eats a high protein, mostly
raw diet (including lots of fish and egg-whites) and, thanks to his
diet and commitment to exercise, enjoys an unheard of (in Western
culture) health-level for an 84 year-old. I am sure that if LaLanne
felt his optimal health was achievable by a 100% raw-vegan diet he
would be eating that. In any case, his example means a lot more to me
than yours because it is totally credible.
