>I am not Deep Blue, but there is a text about food enzymes here:

Thanks, I know the arguments of pro-enzyme people already. And as
opposed to those people I don't find any mystic properties in
enzymes. They are just a catalyting substance in the huge number
of substances of our body chemistry.

My arguments were different from the Howell fraction. I didn't
argue that food enzymes help digest your food etc. I stated that
there are enzymes in food that are the same in our body and if
they are used for digestion and reabsorbed then it must be possible
for the body to absorb them when they come in food.

Well this answer is symptomatic for the state of this list. No
real discussions any longer. Only pointers to the archives and to
websites even if new arguments are switched in.
It seems that all is said (and hopefully done) about raw foods.
Also I am missing the enthusiasm that I found when I subscribed
(I still have it).

Speaking for me, my situation is similar to that of Ward Nicholson
some years ago. My nutrition is on auto-pilot so to say and there
are few things to improve. It is stable, very satisfying and can
be practiced forever, at least for the next decades (if one is
a sceptical mind).

I learned a lot by reading this list and were able to improve my
written English. I want to say thank you to all engaged writers
who spoiled me with lots of good information and tips.

Bye bye and have a good raw time,
